Americans Hate Their Children: Truth!

Quoting from a Daily Beast article, “In 2022, it’s easier to get a semi-automatic rifle in the U.S. than it is to get paid parental leave or baby formula. Meanwhile, Republicans (along with their favorite Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin) refused to fund the child tax credit that briefly lifted millions of children out of poverty. As a nation, we have a shamefully high maternal mortality rate. And we make life cruelly difficult for new parents (especially mothers), by being the only industrialized country that doesn’t guarantee paid parental leave. Don’t even think about subsidized child care. But once the kids are ready for school, they can look forward to getting some much-needed exercise during active shooter drills. In America, we’ll use our fingers to point and shoot our guns, but we won’t lift a finger to protect children once they’re out of the womb. With such callous disregard, how could a reasonable person come to any other determination?”

Truth and spot-on! No truer words have ever been spoken. There is no other conclusion to form about America. Americans love the fetus and hate the child! Oh, well. We get the precise government we deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America, where we sacrifice children daily because FREEDOM!