Americans Want the Hellscape!

Let’s not pretend that voters don’t want the hellscape that is to come once they vote for RepubliKKKlans. It’s the f***ing G.D. mirror, morons! Look, f***tards! Americans, at the very least, don’t mind the hellscape if they think there is a chance to bring down inflation and curb crime. Never mind that RepubliKKKlans have failed to elucidate any plans to bring down inflation, and their solution for bringing down crime and supporting “the blue” is to flood the streets with more guns. But never mind any of that, so long as voters can be made fearful and perceive RepubliKKlans to be better equipped to handle said problems, then idiot Americas will vote for them. To hell with democracy. But whatever! This is the eventual, inevitable outcome of a supremely stupid population. Democracy cannot survive with such a f***tarded electorate. I’ve been warning about this for years. Oh, well. People are going to learn the hard way that democracy, once lost, cannot be regained and that capitalism in an authoritarian government works less well for even more people than it does in a democracy. Welcome to stupid America! The stupid cannot be undone, and just wait!