America’s Death — By Text, QAnon, and Stupidy

America is too stupid to survive! America is dying by a thousand cuts from texts, QAnon, and its stupidity. I’m sorry to say it, but the 40 percent of the country comprising RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks who want to destroy America’s democracy are winning! Howard Stern was right; they are winning. And dumbass Democrats are sitting by and watching.

The revelation of text messages exchanged between Ginni Thomas and Mark Meadows is the focus of my ire. As the HuffPost summarizes, “Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sent nearly two dozen text messages urging former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to aggressively move to overturn the 2020 presidential election, according to copies of the missives obtained Thursday by The Washington Post and CBS News. … In the messages, Ginni Thomas repeatedly pressed Meadows to reverse the 2020 election results, touting conspiracy theories about voter fraud and right-wing falsehoods about Biden and his family members. … Trump had aggressively moved to block the release of many of the presidential records sought by the House select committee. The Supreme Court in January, however, turned down a request to do so, which immediately gave the panel access to hundreds of pages of documents related to the Jan. 6 attack. Justice Thomas was the lone member of the court to say he disagreed with that move [emphasis added].”

I will get right to the point. SCOTUS is corrupt! QAnon and the Big Lie have finally corrupted the last pillar of America’s democracy. Do not believe anything you hear about the ability of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas to separate their personal and professional lives. It is a f***ing lie! These two are peas in a pod professionally and personally. You can mix, match, and parse their personal and professional beliefs in any number of combinations among and betwixt them and you will not have lost any meaning and fidelity of the whole. Ginni could have authored Clarence’s legal opinions, and Ginni’s text could have been written by Clarance, and no one would know the difference. Moreover, there is no way SCOTUS can undo the corruption of Clarence failing to recuse himself from a case involving the release of the aforementioned texts. It is inconceivable that he was unaware of a conflict of interest. As I have written before: SCOTUS has no ethics. They prove it daily. So, why do I focus on SCOTUS so much, given the behavior of a wife of a justice? Because with SCOTUS being fatally corrupted, then America is on life support. There is a reason why the current approval rating of SCOTUS is the lowest on record. People have lost faith. They have lost faith in all three branches of government, so there is nothing left to support the country.

So, congratulations to all the RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. They have spent years trying to corrupt American institutions to the point that weakens the nation, and they have finally succeeded. This was a long time coming, and these text messages show the extent and the level to which the rot has reached every part of the country — right through to SCOTUS. Of course, the sad end could not have been made possible, in part, without a complicit and apathetic dumbass Democratic Party, topped off with an abjectly stupid citizenry who just doesn’t care. This country has become consumed by QAnon and pure unadulterated idiocracy. The 40 percent is just stupid enough to kill us all. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! Too stupid to survive!