America’s Death Spiral — No One Cares

From CBS News, “The United States has joined an annual list of ‘backsliding’ democracies for the first time, the International IDEA think-tank said on Monday, pointing to a ‘visible deterioration’ that it said began in 2019. … ‘The United States is a high-performing democracy, and even improved its performance in indicators of impartial administration (corruption and predictable enforcement) in 2020. However, the declines in civil liberties and checks on government indicate that there are serious problems with the fundamentals of democracy,’ Alexander Hudson, a co-author of the report, told AFP. … ‘The visible deterioration of democracy in the United States, as seen in the increasing tendency to contest credible election results, the efforts to suppress participation (in elections), and the runaway polarization… is one of the most concerning developments,’ said International IDEA secretary-general Kevin Casas-Zamora.” This is catastrophic news, but don’t worry. No one cares, least of all Americans!

I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep repeating myself. I guess until it is no longer legal to criticize the government. But America is doomed, and Americans are too stupid to see the writing on the wall. Moreover, dumbass Democrats are too f***ing weak to stop the tide of fascism because they are a worthless political party that just doesn’t get it! They always wrongly assume, first and foremost, American citizens are savvy enough and engaged enough to save themselves from their own apathy. News flash, f***tards: Americans are not. They never will be. Sure, they seem to manage to get their lazy asses out every four years to vote for the right president half the time, but as for every other election? They don’t care, which provides RepubliKKKlans the perfect opportunity to destroy America’s democracy. Dumbass Democrats will oblige the traitor party through their pure political incompetence and apathy. It’s been forty years in the making since Reagan. This is what Americans want, as every election Democrats lose — from the Virginia gubernatorial race to local school boards — only solidifies RepubliKKKlan dominance. So be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! Whatever! I give up! I live in stupid hell! If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America is simply too stupid to survive. Make way — dead democracy walking! Welcome to stupid America!