
America’s National Gun: AR-15

From, “From ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ to the hamburger, the United States has a number of official national symbols. An Alabama congressman’s bill would add another: a national gun. Rep. Barry Moore visited a Troy gun shop on Tuesday to unveil legislation making the AR-15 the ‘National Gun of America. The anti-Second Amendment group won’t stop until they take away all your firearms,’ the Republican congressman said in a statement after announcing the legislation at Family Firearms in Troy. ‘One rule to remember: any government that would take away one right would take away them all.’” This is what Americans voted for! Oh, well!

Look, f***tards! Obviously, this bill has zero chance of passing in this Congress, but that’s hardly the point. The point is RepubliKKKlans are signaling their future intentions and priorities, which, apparently, is to enshrine a national weapon that has done more to inflict domestic terrorism on America than anything else. Yet, this is what people voted for; this is what they wanted when they elected RepubliKKKlans into office. There is absolutely no other explanation for this outcome. People elected extremists to Congress with complete understanding or complete ignorance. Nonetheless, the results are identical. Americans get the government they deserve and desire! America is a dying country. This is what a dying nation looks like. Welcome to stupid America. The end is coming because people are too f***ing stupid to know better.