An Excuse to Legalize Everything on Guns

According to NPR: “Guns: when and how to regulate them. It’s one of the biggest issues across the country. But the Supreme Court has rarely weighed in on the issue. In modern times, it has ruled decisively just twice. And now, it’s on the brink of doing so again.” Now that SCOTUS is firmly conservative, get ready for a flood of test cases that the high court will take up to expand ridiculous gun rights. Get prepared for conservative justices to start ruling that any law that restricts any gun possession and its use at any moment and in any situation is unconstitutional. Mark my words, morons! This country is about to go full-on wild, wild West because America is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to do otherwise. Poll after poll evinces that the vast majority of people want gun control, but instead, we get more RepubliKKKlans elected to office that do nothing — in fact, they do the opposite of gun control — and America just takes it! Get used to it, idiots! It’s all stupid all the time. Welcome to trump stupid America!