The liberal wing of the Court is complicit in the death of our democracy. Sotomayor, Kegan, and Jackson are being way too deferential and subservient to quaint — and now seemingly corrupting — traditions and decorum. These liberal justices should be leaking behind-the-doors deliberations and disagreements. They need to start calling out those justices, as in this most recent decision to grant cert, who want to delay traitor trump’s legal cases until after the election. These f***ing dumbass Democrats and nice justices are leading us right into authoritarian rule from which we will not return to democracy, at least not without another civil war or revolution. It is time to blow up the notion that SCOTUS is actually impartial and “rules” based on the law and facts of a case. The only people who can call out the theocratic wing of the Court is the left, pro-democracy contingent. They must do it in the open and with plain language, not hidden behind the legalese of written opinions or coded in subtle digs. But no! They won’t! They’re too nice. So, fine! Whatever! No one cares! Evil and vileness in America are winning the day as a consequence of Sotomayor, Kegan, and Jackson sticking to politeness. Welcome to stupid America, where killing people with kindness only makes RepubliKKKlans stronger and murders democracy. I give up!