And So It Begins

From Politico, “President Donald Trump preached calm on Saturday after the first U.S. death from coronavirus was confirmed in Washington state and the government ratcheted up travel warnings for several countries where the virus is spreading. … Trump also asked that media and politicians ‘not do anything to incite the panic, because there is no reason to panic at all. This is something that is being handled professionals.’ Asked if he regrets referring to a coronavirus ‘hoax’ this week, the president said it was a ‘hoax referring to the action [political rivals] take trying to pin this to someone. The hoax is on them.’ … Trump said the person who died was a woman in her 50s, although Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee identified the death as a man when he expressed condolences to the family.” So much to unpack here. First of all, traitor trump just doesn’t f***ing care about this entire situation. Just like everything else not directly related to himself, he can’t be bothered to learn or remember the gender of the first American to die from COVID-19. Nope! He can’t be bothered to try and be accurate. (And I don’t buy that they’re blaming the CDC for the misinformation. I don’t buy the CDC’s admission that they gave the wrong information to traitor trump. It is not the first time the Idiot-in-Chief has had other departments lie to cover up his stupidity and misspeak.) Of course, this is just typical moron-talk from him. He’s careless with his words and his supporters love him for it, actually. Remember the whole “they love him because he speaks as they do.” (Like f***ing, G.D. retards!)

Second, it didn’t take long for traitor trump to associate the “hoax” word with this pandemic crisis. While he targeted his comment to attack Democrats as perpetuating the coverage of the virus as a hoax, let’s not kid ourselves. His intention was to cast the deep state conspiracy notion of hoax over this entire situation. In short, when all this goes to Scheiße — and it will, morons — he will claim everything bad being reported is a hoax. Don’t trust the numbers; don’t trust the experts; don’t trust the media; just trust him. So when your neighbor dies, don’t believe it! When your co-worker dies, don’t believe it! When a family member dies, don’t believe it, and certainly don’t blame traitor trump for his incompetence. Congratu-f***ing-lations to the dumbest people on the planet who voted for this idiot. Welcome to stupid America! Dumber today than it was yesterday. Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people. Just one big country filled with morons who love traitor trump and think he’s doing a great job! Buy stocks!