
And So It Begins: Purging Abortion Friends

According to The Texas Tribune, “A Texas man is suing three women under the wrongful death statute, alleging that they assisted his ex-wife in terminating her pregnancy, the first such case brought since the state’s near-total ban on abortion last summer. Marcus Silva is represented by Jonathan Mitchell, the former Texas solicitor general and architect of the state’s prohibition on abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, and state Rep. Briscoe Cain, R-Deer Park. The lawsuit is filed in state court in Galveston County, where Silva lives. Silva alleges that his now ex-wife learned she was pregnant in July 2022, the month after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and conspired with two friends to illegally obtain abortion-inducing medication and terminate the pregnancy. … ‘But this is going to cause such fear and chilling that it doesn’t matter whether [Mitchell] is right,’ Grossman said. ‘Who is going to want to help a friend find an abortion if there is some chance that their text messages are going to end up in the news? And maybe they’re going to get sued, and maybe they’re going to get arrested, and it’s going to get dropped eventually, but in the meantime, they will have been terrified.’”

This last sentence is the whole point of the lawsuit. It is the tort version of the criminal vigilante law over abortion. But this is what people wanted; this is what they voted for when they keep electing RepubliKKKlans into state and local offices. These people can’t have it all ways. They can’t elect RepubliKKKlans because they hate big government and expect big government not to start micro-managing individuals’ lives and bodies. Oh, well. Texans get the government they deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America!