And This Is News How?

According to Politico, “Former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer on Wednesday sharply criticized President Donald Trump for intervening in the case of a Navy SEAL charged with war crimes. Trump ‘has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices,’ Spencer wrote in a Washington Post op-ed after being ousted Sunday from his position over a possible compromise that would have allowed Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher to retire as a SEAL rather than being removed from the elite force.”

This is what the people elected. This is the person America wants in the Oval Office. This is the level of American stupidity and vileness that defines the country. None of this matters. This is the lowest common denominator of America ruling over everybody else and no one cares because the economy has not tanked — not that the economy is going bonkers as traitor trump promised. The economy is just OK for most, but that’s all it takes for the electorate to stay on the traitor trump train. Pathetic! Nevermind the higher moral ground to which the American ethos aspires such as egalitarianism, justice, and liberty. Instead, it is greed and selfishness at all costs. So, nevermind the honor of the military so long as the average voter gets the over-priced for-profit health insurance plan he or she wants. In other words, people don’t care that the one American institution that projects power throughout the world has become tarnished as long as they feel like they are getting one over on the next person, which is precisely the ethos embodied in traitor trump — they love him because he doesn’t take Scheiße from anybody. In fact, he ruins everyone he touches and the masses love it because the MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans think traitor trump trashes America in their name at the expense of the “elites” when in fact it’s at their expense. Welcome to trump stupid America where people are too stupid to understand that the entire traitor trump presidency is a mockery of those who voted for him!