And This Is Why Dumbass Democrats Will Loss to Traitor [T]rump

Reporting from Vox, “The allegation also inflamed tensions between supporters of Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, who, at the time, was losing to Biden in the primaries. Reade told Vox on March 26 that she initially supported Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president (and also supported Marianne Williamson) but now supported Sanders. (Sanders has since dropped out of the presidential race.) And her report led to allegations by some that she or her supporters were simply trying to throw the election to Sanders — or even to President Donald Trump.” The stupidity never ends! I have no doubt that progressives and Democrats are actually dumb enough to crucify Biden over nearly 30-year-old allegations because liberals really are more concerned about justice for one wronged woman than defeating traitor trump. The progressive end of the party really has no idea how to win ruthlessly! I’m sorry, but f*** Tara Reade! She had 30 years to seek justice, but now is the time to bring up all this crap? Nope! Sorry, no more f***ing “Me Too” B.S. during election season. Obviously, no one cared when traitor trump had a parade of sexual assault accusers before the election, yet Democrats are about to get apoplectic over one very old accuser of Biden, who certainly has never advocated grabbing women by their pussy! No, the “Me Too” crap is on hold until after the election. Leave it to dumbass Democrats to seal their doom and the doom of the country because of a purity test. Democrats need to learn how to live comfortably with a double standard. Sometimes the ends justify the means! These progressive morons can all line up with RepubliKKKlans to be shot because in my mind there is no difference: it’s extreme stupidity to hurt the greater good. Welcome to stupid America!