And This Means Nothing

From CNN, “New transcripts of witness testimony and news reports revealing key details on the Ukraine scandal timeline show in vivid detail the way President Donald Trump and top officials maneuvered behind the scenes to block aid to Ukraine as the President sought an investigation into his political rival Joe Biden.” Moreover, CNN also reports, “President Donald Trump had been briefed on the whistleblower complaint that’s now at the heart of the House impeachment inquiry when he released military aid to Ukraine in September, The New York Times reported Monday, citing two people familiar with the matter.” This means two things. One, traitor trump lied — no surprise. Two, his unprovoked admission to Sondland that he “wants nothing” and that “there is no quid pro quo” is clearly a CYA moment, but RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are the only people too stupid to see these exhortations of “innocence” for what they truly are.

None of this matters because America is a country full of morons, and people are just too f***ing stupid to care or understand the significance of threatening to and actually withholding military aid from Ukraine. America is too stupid to understand that Ukraine is on the front lines of Russia’s expansion. Apparently, people of the most-watched news channel in the country — Fox — are actually rooting for a foreign authoritarian country — Russia — against the interests of America! F*** me! These people are full-on f***ing G.D. traitors and should be shot immediately! I just can’t take stupid America anymore! Why haven’t people taken to the streets yet? Hong Kongers have no problem expressing themselves against tyranny! I swear to God we need the Einsatzgruppen to root out RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons in America because they are all traitors and want America to be the land of tyranny of the minority over the majority! Every day I wake up to a country that is just slightly dumber than the day before last. Welcome to trump stupid America!