Another Idiot Traitor [T]rump Voter Testimonial

From The Weekly, “I’m sure you had more people around her voting for Trump, including myself because he promised to bring jobs back. We need competitive manufacturing jobs. I really don’t care if it’s Democrat or Republican, female, black, white, I don’t care. Whoever’s in there, you need to put American workers first and Americans working first. They’re going to get to the point in this country where people have had enough. You know, without the ability to feed my family and pay for my children and feed my children, what am I as a man?” Once again, this is more proof that morons voted for traitor trump. Apparently, these supremely stupid people thought that somehow a “businessman” who owned a small (by most standards) family-owned and family-run real estate “empire” where much of his revenue was earned by naming rights and his reality TV show was knowledgable enough and capable enough to understand how to bring back manufacturing jobs to America. These f***tards also thought that somehow a “businessman” who filed for bankruptcy at least three times was the right person to make American manufacturing great again. These trump stupid people also thought that somehow a billionaire who literally craps on a golden toilet understands the plight of the working American. These f***tards deserve what they get for voting for idiot traitor trump. I have no problem wishing the worst for them because the only way to weed out stupidity from voting for the dumbest person in the world is to prevent them from voting again. Welcome to stupid America!

Can I just express my f***ing frustration with these same patriotic MAGA morons who apparently have no problem wearing an American flag patch (referring to the video image) facing the wrong f***ing direction — that is by military standards, which, of course, every MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan claims to revere more than any other institution in the whole wide world! It aggravates me to no end when these “uber-patriotic” (which excludes everyone else not like themselves — aka Democrats — who must then be traitors by their definition) morons do not know any better by wearing their so-revered symbol of American patriotism and love of country incorrectly! Yeah, technically, it’s not wrong, but it just looks stupid. Imagine running with the flag on a pole on a windless day; the direction in which the flag waves is how it should appear as a patch on the arm. Un-f***ing-believable! Only in stupid America do MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans run around the country accusing others of their lack of patriotism and love of country, yet they have no f***ing clue how to wear the American flag on their own person respectfully or how to display the flag correctly — as I am reminded of countless tattered flags blazing behind a Ford F-150. Yeah, I’m talking to those f***tard “hee-haw” types that like to drive around with their frayed American flag on full display as if to say: “Look at me, I’m a patriot.” But I digress. Welcome to stupid, stupid, stuuuuupid America! I’m running out of ways to uniquely express the notion.