Another Installment of Meeting the MAGA Morons

Great! CNN does another “meet MAGA moron voters.” Fan-f***ing-tastic! I watch these reoccurring groups with the immutable mix of abject frustration and complete astonishment that people can be and still remain so f***ing stupid. As usual, the same arguments abound such as he’s a businessman or they wanted him to shake up Washington, or he says what they think or he’s not a politician or he’s for the ordinary person or the economy, stupid! or — my favorite — “trump is just being trump.” All these characterizations are either untrue, irrelevant, or downright f***ing scary to be giving him a pass or blithely ignoring his worst behavior and inclinations. This is what happens when people who do not have a sagacious grasp of reality are allowed to vote. F*** me! I have a deep, deep hatred of all these people for being so m*****f***ing G.D. stupid and for helping to put traitor trump in office, and I don’t give one G.D. f*** if they admit they may have made a mistake! These people are, without a doubt, the dumbest beings on the planet and should be euthanized for their own good and the good of society. Now to the meat of their “arguments” in no particular order of stupidity.

One woman admitted that Clinton did nothing wrong after all. She admitted — bless her heart — to believing all the Benghazi! and “but her emails!” hype only then to do her own research and conclude all the accusations of wrongdoing against Clinton were not true. So, she decides to get enlightened about Hillary after she voted for traitor trump? Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t deal with this stupidity anymore. F***ing G.D. moron! She literally admonished the rest of the group for not doing some reading to get informed — as she made an uninformed decision in voting for traitor trump. This is what a stupid country looks like. By the way, she is still open to re-electing traitor trump.

Then there is Marian Taylor, the only one who still ardently supports traitor trump. Clearly, she is the one in the group with a touch of Down Syndrome — she kind of looks like it. Some of her more memorable remarks include one about how good her 401K looks. Oh, yes! It’s the good old economy argument in support of traitor trump. Of course, the idiot focus group moderator, Alisyn Camerota, who is a very weak interviewer, failed to point out that one’s 401K did much better in the eight years under Obama — the stock market doubled — than in the three years under traitor trump and that all the Idiot-in-Chief has managed to do is not derail the economy Obama left him — yet. But this is the typical “because the black man did it” amnesia. Marian, the moron, also said the last time she voted for president was for Bill Clinton. This is the typical “I hate politicians because they are politicians” mentality, yet voters are entirely unwilling to hold politicians accountable by voting! What the f*** do people expect will happen when they allow politicians to remain in office unchecked, as voters decide to participate in government every couple of f***ing decades? Democracy doesn’t f***ing work if people are not engaged and are not informed, which explains half of the American population. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t! So much f***ing stupidity! Have I mentioned that I hate these people for their stupidity, Marian being the dumbest of them all? Moreover, she is the one who likes traitor trump because “trump is trump.” In short, she likes the fact that he is an a**hole. I suppose because she is a see you next Tuesday character in her own right. Anyone who gives traitor trump a pass for his conduct because that’s just how he is should be euthanized — immediately — so they can’t vote again. F*** me! We do not need people voting for this moron and thinking his behavior as the leader of the free world is remotely acceptable. F*** this country for being so f***ing G.D. stupid!

Last, all the other nonsensical arguments in favor of traitor trump I’ll sum up in a few sentences. He’s a businessman! Never mind that running the government is nothing like a business; the purpose of government is not to make a profit. Not to mention even if traitor trump transferred the skills of management to running the government, they don’t seem to mind that he has failed spectacularly by filing for bankruptcy at least four times. Apparently, this is no concern for the idiots that voted for him. Sure! Why not run the government into the ground as he has in the past with his other businesses? He’s for the common man, say his MAGA moron supporters of a man who has never worked a real job in his life, who regularly stiffs contractors as a routine of conducting business, who swindles charities, and who literally craps in a golden toilet, just to name a few disparities. WTF! This is just a supremely stupid country. Welcome to trump stupid America! It can’t get any dumber! Oh, but it can, and it will! I have no doubt! Mark my words, morons!