Another Lawsuit Against the Trumps — Eh!

It’s the moment for which we’ve been waiting after three years of non-stop coverage and anticipation to bring down the Trump crime family. The state of New York has finally decided to hold traitor trump and his family accountable for their criming by — wait for it, wait for it — suing them! Woo-hoo! What a f***ing joke! Another meaningless civil lawsuit. Specifically, CNN reports, “[New York state Attorney General Letitia] James is seeking $250 million in allegedly ill-gotten funds and to permanently bar Trump and the children named in the lawsuit from serving as the director of a business registered in New York state. She is also seeking to cancel the Trump Organization’s corporate certificate, which, if granted by a judge, could effectively force the company to cease operations in New York state.”

So, this is the state’s opening position? This is what they want to get from traitor trump? It’s not all that devasting; it also means that what the state is asking for will never happen. This case is never going to a jury; it will be settled out of court after years and years of delays and pre-trial motions. Eventually, they’ll agree on some multi-million — maybe even 100 million — dollar penalty, which he can easily pay for after moving money from his P.A.C. to his personal legal defense fund, along with some other organizational concessions. As for barring the Trumps from serving on boards or doing business in New York, they all have one foot out the door of New York anyways. Not to mention, I’m sure there are plenty of legal loopholes that will allow the Trump Organization to incorporate elsewhere or create some legal fiction by which traitor trump retains indirect control through some holding company or trust. I promise you this is not the end of the Trump businesses; they’re just going to relocate. As I’ve said long before this lawsuit came to fruition, all the state of New York wants is its money. Full stop! Traitor trump knows it. The state knows it. So, now it’s just a matter of negotiating with some legal wrangling to get it. Oh, and there are always bankruptcy protections.

As for James’ legal referrals to the D.O.J. and the I.R.S., so what? Nothing will happen at the federal level regarding real estate fraud or tax evasion. He’s been cheating on his taxes for decades, and the federal government never did a thing nor cared. They’re not going to care now. On the scale of criming, these crimes are so far down the list that they’ll barely register a blimp. Once again, traitor trump avoids criminal charges, of course. And as a final point, one may think this lawsuit — perhaps — does more to tarnish his brand and reputation as a brilliant businessman. Not! People who hate traitor trump already knew he was a fraud for his entire life. MAGA morons, on the other hand, can never be convinced of anything other than traitor trump being a genius entrepreneur who fights for the little guy. Nothing’s changed with this lawsuit, and it never will. This story will be out of the headlines by the end of this week’s Sunday shows. Gone and forgotten. Traitor trump is still above the law and the orange Jesus to 40 percent of America. Welcome to stupid America. Nothing matters! Oh, well!