Another Mass Killing at a High School, but Don’t Worry, Folks! Nothing Will Ever Change, Except for More Guns — Everywhere

Looks like Oxford High School in the great militia-loving state of Michigan is the latest member in our Union to approve of gun violence, especially in high schools. No need to belabor the circumstances, but I will cut right to the key point in this case: The father bought the gun four days before his son murdered four classmates. Without a doubt, both parents should be charged with accessory to murder. Yeah, yeah, I know. The definition of accessory doesn’t quite fit, but for the parents to get away with something trivial such as failing to secure a firearm would be criminal. Sorry, but these parents are criminals! Full f***ing stop! I am so f***ing G.D. sick of teens doing the killing while parents provide the guns, and the parents invariably get away with facilitating murder. Parents are never held accountable. I don’t feel bad for the Crumbley’s at all. In fact, they disgust me. And of course! Of course! Of course, these parents are MAGA morons. I expected nothing less. This type of white trash breeds. MAGA morons breed little MAGA morons who then buy their little MAGA moron terrorists guns who then kill people. Fan-f***ing-tastic. No one can doubt that if the father had not purchased the gun for whatever reason — the son thought it looked “cool” ala Rittenhouse — then this massacre would have never happened. I guess this is the new standard: “Dad buy me a cool gun!” But whatever. Guns over people — as usual! I live in stupid hell. And as I write after every mass killing at a high school: I can’t wait for nothing to change. Yippie! No one cares! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America. Proving our worthlessness daily!