Another Praise Jesus Moment!

From the Daily Beast, “A conservative radio host in Nashville who derided vaccines and spread misinformation about the coronavirus has died of COVID-19. Phil Valentine was 61. … He had said of the vaccine, ‘I have a very low risk of A) Getting COVID and B) dying of it if I do. Why would I risk getting a heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?’ He also said at the time that he had been taking the anti-parasite medication ivermectin, a drug that comes in different forms for animals and humans. The drug has recently been touted as a sort of COVID miracle cure by conservatives, despite no solid evidence it is effective against the virus and health officials sounding the alarm over people poisoning themselves with the animal version of the drug.” Praise Jesus! Another MAGA moron is dead from COVID. Praise the Lord Almighty. The stupid hath been smote!

Look, f***tards. This is good news! One less COVID truther and anti-vaxxer lying to his listeners and killing the rest of us through his vile, intentional disinformation. We can all live a bit better with this man being dead. I have no sympathy — ever. He deserved what he got, though it seems 61 years too late. Good riddance. I can only hope they all die. I’m over the “trying to be understanding” phase. I’m done. Just die already, people! Seriously. I want to get on with life. Welcome to stupid America. Thank God for social Darwinism; it proves itself daily!