MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Another Predictable Cave to China

According to Politico, “The tentative agreement, however, falls short of a broader deal addressing the most significant U.S. concerns over China’s state-run economy that sparked the trade fight. Derek Scissors, a China expert at the American Enterprise Institute who sometimes advises the White House, said U.S. businesses aren’t gaining many concessions from Beijing. ‘What the U.S. is getting is purchases and several elements of nonsense,’ Scissors said before the announcement. ‘Today seems to be another “China-is-Great” day, but future talks face a higher risk.’ … ‘We are very close to ending the trade war,’ [Not remotely true nor in America’s favor, of course!] Trump told reporters after the meeting with Liu, who led a delegation to Washington for trade talks this week.” Only traitor trump’s MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters didn’t see this coming while some of us clearly predicted the inevitable. Just another day in trump stupid America! I thought trade wars were easy to win, but it looks like traitor trump is eager to give away the store so long as he can claim a win to help with re-election and counter the impeachment argument. Of course, he was always going to cave. Of course, he was going to give China a better deal so long as they would buy more agricultural products to help shore up his support among American farmers — they were never going to leave traitor trump anyways, even if they went bankrupt because for them it is always first about God, guns, and gays! So, right on cue when things are starting to look really bad for traitor trump he caves to China and declares a win, and his f***tarded supporters readily believe that he’s some kind of genius dealmaker. Welcome to trump stupid America as usual.