So, traitor trump is about to get arrested and indicted — for a third time. This time it’s related to his involvement in trying to overturn the 2020 election. Unfortunately, no one cares! They can pile up all the criminal charges against traitor trump they want, and he will be just as viable a candidate tomorrow as he was yesterday because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Do you remember when traitor trump “quipped” that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn’t lose a single vote? Remember that “joke” the pundits brushed off as absurd bravado? People laughed off the comment to their detriment. Do you know who wasn’t laughing? Me! The reason I wasn’t laughing is because traitor trump didn’t mean it as a joke. I apprehended this immediately. He was serious, yet idiot Americans have misunderstood traitor trump since the second he descended the escalator. Not me! He showed himself to be the person he is from the very beginning. And I believed him the first time! This is what Maya Angelou warned. Most f***tards ignored (and continue to ignore) her sage advice.
This most recent impending indictment is no different. This is precisely the type of person the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks want to represent them. Mark my words, f***tards. The party will defend traitor trump at all costs, and supporters will not shed a single vote for him nor a single percentage point in the opinion polls. They love their criminal. It’s that f***ing simple. They loved the criminal back in 2016, and they love him even more now. They want a criminal as president because, in their minds, only a criminal has the savvy and balls to “fix” America and re-make the country into their desired vision of a White nationalist country. To RepubliKKKlan voters, it takes a criminal to fight against the criminal “deep state.” And therein lies the rub! Anything that “attacks” traitor trump is the work of the “deep state.” So, how can you win when everything RepubliKKKlans don’t like is blamed on the “deep state” (aka everyone who is not a RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, or QAnon kook)? How do you win over these people? You can’t! Mark my words on this, idiots. Mark them well! The end is coming because America cannot endure when it is RepubliKKKlans versus the “deep state” — again, this is code for everyone else who believes in American democracy. And no one cares! I promise you! No one cares! Why do I keep saying this? See the FiveThirtyEight polling below. No! One! Cares! Welcome to stupid America!