Another Thing I Nailed!

The headline of a Washington Post article reads: “Missouri lawmaker seeks to prohibit residents from obtaining abortions out of state.” The article goes on to say, “The measure could signal a new strategy by the antiabortion movement to extend its influence beyond the GOP-led states poised to enact tighter restrictions if the Supreme Court weakens its landmark precedent upholding abortion rights. … Now, a prominent antiabortion lawmaker in Missouri, from where thousands of residents have traveled to next-door Illinois to receive abortions since Missouri passed one of the country’s strictest abortion laws in 2019, believes she has found a solution.” More from Newsweek, “A Missouri state lawmaker has proposed a bill that would allow private citizens to be sued for aiding women who get out-of-state abortions. If it makes its way through the legislative process, the measure, which is currently awaiting debate in the House, could allow any private citizen in Missouri to sue someone who assisted a fellow Missourian in obtaining an abortion in another state. … Coleman’s measure is reportedly piggybacking off of a recent antiabortion law in Texas that prohibits most abortions in that state after the six-week mark of pregnancy. In addition to opening the door for lawsuits for aiding with out-of-state abortions, the Missouri bill would also make it illegal to manufacture or distribute abortion pills in the state.”

And allow myself to quote myself from a post dated May 2021, “Once SCOTUS effectively kills Roe next year, the next goal will be to criminalize women’s movement in states where abortion is illegal to other states to undergo the procedure legally. Mark my words, f***tards. You can take this next step to the bank.” So! I nailed it! I nailed it! I nailed it! You heard it here first — a year ago! Except, I will admit that Missouri is not waiting on SCOTUS; they are taking a page from Texas’ abortion bill, which SCOTUS has provided (not so) tacit approval. And I will grant that this proposal is not law — yet. But the notion is now out there for every other RepubliKKKlan legislature to witness. Look, morons of America. My calling for this next step in the war against women and civil liberties was particularly easy and not all that creative or original. (For the extreme nerd, peruse this legal scholarly article on abortion.)

Look around you, f***tards! America is heading toward a less free country thanks to SCOTUS, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kook. The country’s move toward a more restrictive and bigoted nation is also facilitated, in part, by apathetic and moronic voters who are just too f***ing stupid to be bothered with fighting for America’s democracy. And don’t get me started about the inability of dumbass Democrats to mount a ruthless fight to protect our democracy and freedoms! Ukrainians — soldiers, civilians, teenagers, grandmothers — are standing up to Russia and dying to defend their democracy. Yet, Americans are too f***ing G.D. lazy to get informed and vote as if their lives depended on it, which people will start realizing is no longer a cliché. What kind of country will America become wherein a woman can no longer travel outside her state to perform a legal medical procedure? You see what’s happening here, I hope? Women will soon have no freedom of movement. They will be assumed into bodily servitude under the state in which they were born. There is no bottom to conservatives’ desires to control women and minorities through their fundamentalist religiosity.

I could say I hate to boast about being right, but I won’t. Part of the point of this blog is to scream at the world about everything I see happening now and coming in the future that the rest of the country just kinda shrugs off. Whatever! We get the government we deserve, and we’re about to feel the pain of our choices (or indifference) in spectacular fashion, especially for women and minorities. Next is LGBTQ rights, which are already under attack across several states. It is coming! RepubliKKKlans are coming for your rights! Make my words, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America! Always dumber!