Another Traitor [T]rump Failure: ‘Operation Warp Speed’

From Politico, “In many ways, it was successful, living up to the highest expectations of its architects. The Trump administration did help deliver a pair of working vaccines in 2020, with more shots on the way. But the officials who expected to be taking a victory lap on distributing tens of millions of vaccine doses are instead being pressed to explain why the initiative appears to be limping to the finish.” What?!?! F*** me! This is just another example of f***tard journalists bending over backward to give traitor trump credit for nothing. I hate the MSM at times. Jesus-f***ing-Christ! Just call a moron, a moron! And a loser, a loser!

Look, morons! There are two phases to Operation Warp Speed. First, the development of the actual vaccine, which traitor trump and Warp Speed basically had no involvement, especially considering the first vaccine that came to market took no money from the American government. Pfizer’s efforts and accomplishments were entirely on their own merits. If any credit should be given to a government, then that would be Germany! Moreover, it’s not like traitor trump could have done anything to speed up the development of a vaccine. Every pharmaceutical company had every incentive — besides Warp Speed — to get vaccines to market fast! In fact, it was the implementation of a relatively new vaccine technology that allowed these early vaccines to be created so quickly, not “Operation Warp Speed!” In short, when it comes to making any vaccine, Warp Speed had almost no impact, except setting up contracts to buy doses, which apparently the traitor trump administration initially bought too few from the fastest company (Pfizer) and too many from the slowest company (Johnson and Johnson). So much for “warp speed!”

The second phase is distribution, in which Warp Speed has every bit of control. That’s where the actual failure of the traitor trump administration manifests. They promised tens of millions of dosages and inoculations. Fail! They promised to release the stockpile of vaccines — another lie. There was none! As usual, traitor trump, like everything with the pandemic, put the onus on the states so he could blame them for his inevitable failure. Look, f***tards! This pandemic is a national crisis that requires a federal, coordinated response. You know! Precisely that thing traitor trump is completely incompetent to handle. Whatever! Welcome to the dumbest country on the planet. Welcome to trump stupid America! We’re f***ed!