Apparently, Most Democrats Did Not See This Coming?

CNN reports, “It’s time to stop asking whether President Donald Trump will learn lessons from the controversies he constantly stokes — of course he does. But far from stepping back or opting for contrition as his critics and appeasers hope, Trump draws darker political conclusions. The result is that he expands his own power by confounding institutional restraints and opening a zone of presidential impunity — while at the same time delighting his political base.” Clearly, only idiots didn’t see traitor trump going unchained after impeachment, which includes every RepubliKKKlan and most dumbass Democrats. This is why I wrote to my Democratic Congressman several times that Democrats were morons for limiting the articles of impeachment to only two charges! What they needed to do was throw the f***ing kitchen sink at traitor trump and not rush it — they needed to drag impeachment out until election! But they did rush things and they did keep the focus narrow to simplify matters for stupid America because Americans are morons, to be sure! Of course, they didn’t do exactly what they needed to do because Democrats are f***tards who never miss an opportunity to f*** up an opportunity! So, instead of overwhelming stupid America, they underwhelmed them and Americans got bored because, as I said, this is stupid America that can’t be bothered with non-shinny objects. Don’t forget that this is a society more interested in award shows than understanding how their government f***ing works. Welcome to stupid America. Dumber today than it was yesterday!