
Apparently, Not Enough RepubliKKKlans Died

According to The Atlantic, “But to understand why Republicans have died at higher rates, you can’t look at vaccine status alone. Congressional districts controlled by a trifecta of Republican leaders—state governor, Senate, and House—had an 11 percent higher death rate, according to the Lancet study. A likely explanation, the authors write, could be that in the post-vaccine era, those leaders chose policies and conveyed public-health messages that made their constituents more likely to die. Although we still can’t say these decisions led to higher death rates, the association alone is jarring. … Even with this new research, it is difficult to determine just how many people died as a result of their political views. … What’s most concerning about all of this is that partisan disparities in death rates were also apparent before COVID. People living in Republican jurisdictions have been at a health disadvantage for more than 20 years. From 2001 to 2019, the death rate in Democratic counties decreased by 22 percent, according to a recent study; in Republican counties, it declined by only 11 percent. In the same time period, the political gap in death rates increased sixfold.”

None of this is new to me except for the last part. I was unaware that RepubliKKKlan-led areas have been dying at higher rates than their Democratic-led counterparts for decades. This I did not know. Unfortunately, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are still not dying fast enough nor in large enough numbers to impact elections. For some God-forsaken reason, RepubliKKKlans still win more elections than not. I wish they would just all die faster! So, to all the RepubliKKKlans et al., I say this: Drink more, do more drugs, eat more fast food, play with more guns, smoke more, and avoid doctors and medicine in general. Die quicker! For the love of God, just die! We don’t want your kind here! Welcome to stupid America!