Apparently, Rejoicing Is Premature

So…I firmly believed traitor trump would pull out a win because this is trump stupid America! Perhaps not as trump stupid as I thought, but there are several predictions about the election that I otherwise nailed! In no particular order, Democratic wins in Texas or Florida were, of course, a pipe dream of the highest G.D. m*****f***ing order, which further evinces that dumbass Democrats still have not f***ing clue about f***ing anything! In fact, the Biden win seems to suggest — no proves — he is the only one that knows what the f*** is going on in the country besides RepubliKKKlans. He ran on a center, center-left agenda and won; dumbass Democrats pulled too far left (or allowed themselves to be labeled as far left which is worse still) and lost House seats, although they held their own in the Senate, yet they certainly failed to regain the Senate as they had prognosticated. That was never going to happen. F*** me! Oh, by the way, Georgia wins for Democratic Senators is not going to happen, morons. Double mark my words on that! There was never going to be a Democratic blowout. Again, another pipe dream I easily predicted was never going to happen. Democrats really needed one but failed — as usual. Tom Perez needs to be fired because he failed. Full stop! If I have to hear him say that Democrats are going to take the Senate and gain seats in the House and win state legislatures one more f***ing time then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. There is no way Democrats can have someone that delusional about the facts on the ground and continue in a position of leadership. Sorry! But he needs to f***ing go! Losers do not stay in power!

What else? Oh, yes! Traitor trump increased his popular vote by four to five million people to clinch the second-highest vote total (behind Biden) in history. So, needless to say, America is still infected with nearly 72 million MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans and other various f***tards who need to be enrolled in a T4 program immediately because the incomprehensible stupidity is literally killing America. The stupid hurts! I have been saying for well over a year now that there is a hidden traitor trump voter that the opinion polls were not picking up, and the board misses by most pollsters certainly proves that is the case. People really are afraid to admit that they like traitor trump, but they are more than willing to vote for him anyway because they witnessed the last five years and decided they want more of that! OMG! I can’t with the stupid anymore. I just f***ing can’t. Why do these morons persist in living? Shouldn’t they be overdosing on heroin or losing to Russian roulette? I mean stupid is as stupid does! Thank God there are more of us than there are of them, which has always been the case. But, as I have said countless times, more often than not America is a nation where the minority ruling over the majority and the majority usually rolls over. Thank God the majority refused to roll over this time, but some did, for example, Latino men, which brings me to my next point.

Of course, as I rightly predicted, “changing demographics” is not going to save Democrats. That was made clear when Biden lost ground in Florida with the Latino male voter! Traitor trump gained and won the state by a wider margin compared to Clinton. So much for that pipe dream. Ugh! There is this cultural thing in the Latino community called machismo, and traitor trump is precisely that which Latino men respect and love. You’ll never hear pundits and commentators acknowledge it because they are oblivious to it and Latinos may not want to admit such a sexist and bigoted strain runs rampant in the Latino ethos. But it does.

Who else supported traitor trump in higher numbers? Oh, yeah! White women. So much for that white women “revolt.” Black men. Yup! Doubled in support from 2016 for whatever incomprehensible “reasoning.” Whatever! People love the hate! Plain and simple. Any excuses about the economy and taxes and America first are all lies. It’s all about the hate! Full! F***ing! Stop! All in all, traitor trump is more popular today after four years or destroying America and the disease is not going away. Welcome to stupid America. We are far from a cure!