
Are Americans Smart Enough?

Let’s just cut right to the chase! Shall we? The 2024 presidential election will be a re-match of Biden vs. traitor trump. So, the question is — given everything we know and have experienced — are Americans smart enough to avoid another traitor trump presidency? My short answer: Probably not. Allow me to explain.

There have been several polls — recent and old — that either have Biden behind or tied with a head-to-head traitor trump match-up. Any such poll result in which this is the case is completely incomprehensible, but then again, I must remind myself that I live in stupid America. Given everything surrounding traitor trump, people are still telling pollsters, sure, why not another chance? This is why I have absolutely no faith in American voters to get their voting consistently correct. Oh, sure, they elected Biden once, but a second time is far from guaranteed — again, incomprehensibly. Even if you believe the next election is a choice between two bad choices, people, according to the polls, seem willing to select the worse option — again! But I’m here to tell you the situation, even at this point, is more dire than what these polls are indicating.

You must forget everything you hear from those professional idiot political pundits on the MSM. Forget all their B.S., for the election will come down to roughly 40,000 – 80,000 people, if that, in various states. So, forget about the die-hard Democratic and RepubliKKKlan voters. They are never going to change their votes. And forget about left-leaning and right-leaning Independents, who will vote as predicted. Instead, worry about those truly politically ambivalent voters who are so squishy in their “thinking” that they probably don’t know who they’re voting for until they actually check the box. Even then, they are surprised about what their hand selected. These are the dangerous voters on the margins that are guided not by principle but likely by their pocketbook and not much else.

I would like to remind the reader about the margins of the last two presidential races. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of the numbers when considering the outcome and impact of these elections. Clinton may have lost despite besting traitor trump in the popular vote by nearly 3 million, but he won by a scant 77,744 well-placed votes. As the Washington Examiner summarizes, “Donald Trump owes his victory in the Electoral College to three states he won by the smallest number of votes: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So it’s fair to say that the 2016 presidential election was decided by about 77,000 votes out of [more] than 136 million ballots cast. According to the final tallies, Trump won Pennsylvania by 0.7 percentage points (44,292 votes), Wisconsin by 0.7 points (22,748 votes), Michigan by 0.2 points (10,704 votes).”

Then we come to the Biden and traitor trump match-up. What were those margins? Anyone? Anyone at all? More votes? Fewer votes? From NPR, “In fact, in this election, Biden won the national popular vote by some 6 million votes so far, more than double Hillary Clinton’s margin over Trump four years ago. But just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College.” I’m not a mathematician, but I’m pretty sure 44,000 is much less than 77,000. So, this next race will come down to the number of votes roughly the size of a small city, no matter what the polls say. For a fatal flaw in our electoral system is that it does not rely on the popular vote — at all. So, if you get enough angry traitor trump voters showing up to the polls coupled with enough apathetic would-be or past Biden voters who decide to “protest” by staying home like a toddler throwing a tantrum, then bam! You have traitor trump as the 47th president. Don’t think it can’t happen. I would expect nothing less from a moronic America!