
Arrest the Bus Drivers and Pilots, F***tards!

As this dumping of refugees attracts headlines and commentary in the MSM, dumbass Democrats are still completely missing the point and political opportunity. They are letting RepubliKKKlans control the out-of-control-border narrative — again. How many f***ing times do I have to keep saying it? This is straight-up human trafficking. Full f***ing stop! I’ve only heard one MSM commentator call it as such. And that person was Joe Scarborough. Imagine that! A conservative actually understands that what these RepubliKKKlan politicians are doing is engaging in human trafficking. No one else has the balls and clarity of mind to say it.

Then from Axios, “Cabinet heads and White House officials will meet Friday morning to discuss a range of pressing immigration issues — including ‘litigation options’ to respond to GOP governors transporting unauthorized immigrants from the border to other parts of the country, according to planning documents viewed by Axios.” Ugh! WTF?!?! Seriously?!?! “Litigation options?” Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross. I didn’t know there were litigation options against human traffickers. I would have thought the actions required by law are rather straightforward: Arrest the perpetrators.

While dumbass Democrats run around calling this shameful, a political ploy, inhuman, reckless, “un-American,” and blah, blah, blah — all of which is true — they are letting RepubliKKKlans get away with trafficking more humans, and dumbass Democrats are huddling, wondering what to do. Once again, they are caught off guard — as usual. The Biden administration needs to start publicly arresting the bus drivers and airplane pilots the second they arrive for human trafficking from day one! But no! Now it’s been countless bus loads, and Democrats are dithering. They need to fight fire with fire. But whatever. They won’t because they’re weak, so I guess they condone human trafficking after all. I give up. And I live in stupid hell. F***ing weak Democrats allow another political opportunity to slip by. They seem to nail some things (e.g., abortion rights), but most political advantages they usually muck up. And let’s face it: Abortion rights are the lowest of hanging fruit. I guess dumbass Democrats can either walk or chew gum, but not both, while RepubliKKKlans are chewing gum, dancing the jig, juggling, and throwing knives all at once. Welcome to stupid America!