MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

“Art of the Deal” for Dummies

Politico summarizes well the pattern: “You might say it’s The Art of the Deal. First, spark a crisis by threatening harsh consequences if hazy, unspecified demands aren’t met. Then, torque up the suspense as an artificial deadline approaches, while nervous observers warn of the dire consequences of going over the cliff. And finally, cut a vague, imperfect or constitutionally questionable deal at the last minute, claiming victory and savaging the critics.” This is where MAGA morns and RepubliKKKlans think traitor trump is some kind of f***ing G.D. genius when in fact it is all a scam, but this is stupid America. A moron claims victory over a pending disaster of his own making and stupid people praise him for it. Welcome to stupid America!