
Artilce II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Thank you, CNN, for reacquainting me with this section of the Constitution. The critical portion being, “[H]e may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper.” To elucidate on the text, “The second clause of Article II, Section 3 authorizes the President to convene or adjourn the Houses of Congress in certain circumstances. The President has frequently summoned both Houses into ‘extra’ or ‘special sessions’ for legislative purposes, and the Senate alone for the consideration of nominations and treaties. His power to adjourn the Houses has never been exercised.” You m*****f***ing moron voters of the highest f***ing order who f***ed around, and now you’re about to find the f*** out! Pay particular attention to the part that says, “His power to adjourn the Houses has never been exercised.” This is a constitutional crisis ripe for the picking, and I promise you that Dictator Don will not only test the constitutionality of his power but push the reading of the Constitution to the limit, no doubt, in the most perverted and absurd way. In short, Dictator Don will read this clause of the Constitution to adjourn all of Congress — permanently. And in so doing, lock in his dictatorial power.

Does this sound familiar? Anyone at all have an inkling of a historical parallel? Any morons out there know the answer? Anyone f***ard at all? Hint: Think Nazi Germany. More specifically, think of the Enabling Act of 1933. I suppose there is one significant difference. While the Reichstag willingly gave Hitler dictatorial powers, the powers of a dictator are written into the f***ing G.D. U.S. Constitution. Fan-f***ing-tastic! What does it say about our Constitution when the Executive branch can dismiss the Legislative branch indefinitely? It’s as if the Founding Fathers put a back door to kingship in the Constitution in plain sight. You guys really need to read up on this topic. Many of the Founding Fathers wanted the President to be more closely aligned with kingly powers than the constraints of federalism. And here we are!

In fact, I suspect SCOTUS would be more than eager to take up such an “interesting question” of Executive power. And God help us if SCOTUS applies their “history and tradition” standard to this case because they just might conclude that the Founding Fathers had always intended the Office of the Presidency to have near-kingly powers when necessary — the “when necessary” (read: “on extraordinary Occasions … he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper” from above) being wholly defined by … wait for it … wait for it: The president. We already know that the six uber-conservative justices of SCOTUS prefer to defer to the president as part of their belief in the unitary executive theory. And I’m not sure what part of the rather plain language of the Constitution the originalists and textualists of SCOTUS would find objectionable to the Don’s takeover of Congress. We are so f***ed! You morons have no f***ing clue!

Let’s say Dictator Don declares, “You know what? I can’t get done what the people elected me to do because Congress is taking too long, or they refuse to act in accordance with the ‘mandate of the people,’ [read: me] so I’m going to dismiss the House and the Senate and do things myself — appoint people, write laws, etc.” No president has ever done this because voters over the course of 250 years have never elected a dictator until, of course, this sh*t-for-brains 21st-century version of America did last week. Who is going to stop him? His D.O.J. under Matt Gaetz? The D.O.D. under Pete Hegseth? The generals? RepubliKKKlan Representatives? RepubliKKKlan Senators? Red states? SCOTUS? Ha! If SCOTUS should declare Dictator Don overstepped his authority, then so what? What can SCOTUS do? As I’ve said countless times already, there is no enforcement branch of SCOTUS. There is no SCOTUS police to ensure their rulings are followed; we’ve taken it upon faith that the country will abide by SCOTUS’ decisions when, in fact, states (e.g., Mississippi) and presidents (e.g., Jackson) have a long history of ignoring the High Court. No, none of these people or institutions will stop him. Co-equal branches of government? Gone! Checks and balances? A pipe dream. Seperation of powers? Nonsense talk! But this is what people wanted, so now they’re getting it. Mark my words, you stupid, stupid people. Mark them well.

Ya know, part of what I do on this blog is imagine the fantastical and extreme cases because the rest of the idiot political pundit class, MSM, and dumbass Democrats have failed completely to anticipate the worst. Hell, Biden is still trying to play nice with Dictator Don while being painstakingly concerned about a peaceful transfer of power, as if that really f***ing matters at this point. Whatever! Biden is weak until the very end. I expected nothing less from him. But I digress, back to Dictator Don consolidating his plenary power under the terms of the Constitution. It is quite possible that Congress may just oblige him from the start. Maybe they will recess so he can appoint all his administrative leadership as he pleases quickly and in the shadows, without ever needing the Senate’s Advise and Consent prerogative. Perhaps they’ll just capitulate like the rest of the country. Again, just like the Enabling Act of 1933. And there we have it; we’ve come full circle, folks. No matter the route, we get back to the circumstance whereby Dictator Don takes complete control of the Executive and Legislative branches, with, no doubt, the blessing of the Judicial branch. Game, set, match! Democracy is dead, and you guys did it to yourselves. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you! Welcome to stupid America! I expected nothing less from this sh*t-for-brains country! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯