At Some Point RepubliKKKlans Will Co-opt the Climate Change Issue

From CNN, “If you live in the nation’s capital, your commute Monday morning might be even worse than usual. That’s because a group of climate change activists have vowed to bring Washington to a standstill, all to bring attention to their cause.” At some point RepubliKKKlans will concede that the climate change crisis is a legitimate election issue — some already have. But this will be the infuriating part: RepubliKKKlans will not only embrace the urgent need to combat climate change but they will own the issue and dumbass Democrats will willingly give up the high ground because they are weak and stupid! RepubliKKKlans currently resist climate change because it’s politically advantageous, but eventually, they’ll catch on that it’s politically more advantageous to accept made-man climate change in which case they will embrace the arguments more wholeheartedly than dumbass Democrats.

Moreover, RepubliKKKlans will claim that they’ve always believed in climate change and that it is the Democrats who have resisted addressing the crisis. Mark my words, morons. Dumbass Democrats will simply do nothing to counter such misinformation because they’ll be happy with having won over RepubliKKKlans on such an important issue at last. Dumbass Democrats seem to think a pyrrhic victory is still a victory. (It’s not!) They will simply give up a key part of the Democratic platform as RepubliKKKlans will own the climate change crisis issue forcefully. Worse still is that voters will gladly give credit to RepubliKKKlans because they are that f***ing stupid. Hell! People still think RepubliKKKlans are the party of fiscal responsibility and that they are for the middle class, while they run up the national debt and cut taxes for corporations at the expense of the little guy. But what does one expect in a supremely stupid country! Dumbass Democrats will lose a huge block of single-issue voters to RepubliKKKlans because at least they will go hard on the subject. I can’t wait for the first RepubliKKKlan primary debate where each candidate starts arguing the merits of a progressive climate change policy and blames Democrats for the lack of progress on the most serious and grave issue of our time! They will stand up before the country ignoring their denials of climate change over the last two decades and point to Democrats saying it’s their fault. And voters will believe them!

I can’t! Welcome to stupid America!