MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

The Id President

From a Haaretz headline: “Trump Starts Solemn D-Day Commemorations – With Attack on ‘Sick Scammer’ Bette Midler.” Because, of course, he did. Why not? He suffers absolutely no penalty for his constant churlish attacks on anybody and everybody. Morons in this country have never cared about character; they love their deplorable and disgraceful acting president. Traitor trump is the rebellious a**hole inner id with whom the Everyman American identifies. He’s incapable of rising above situations or taking the high road. No! As the so-called leader of the free world, he is always feeling aggrieved and unable to control his impulses and emotions. I’ve said it before and I will remind people again. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans look in the mirror and see traitor trump. They love him and themselves in the reflection, and this is the level of stupidity and disgust deeply rooted in America. Welcome to stupid America! It’s as ugly as it appears.


It’s Too Late Because It’s Already Here

An excellent observation from AlterNet: “The Republican Party and rightwing groups have worked for years to solidify their hold on power at every level of government by cheating young people, minorities, and other likely Democratic voters out of their right to have their votes count.” Hello, idiots of America. It is already too late. SCOTUS is solidly conservative for decades to come (and will only get more so). Dumbass Democrats never emphasized the importance of the Supreme Court, so here we are — f***ed! Welcome to stupid America! This is only the beginning of how bad things will get!


I’m 100% for Vigilante Justice

CNN headline reads: “A 12-year-old boy who was starved, chained and kept in a dog collar died. His mother never knew he left the state.” I would never advocate violence but let’s face it: some people don’t deserve to breathe.

International Indigestion

Only in Stupid America!

Axios reports, “China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a travel advisory, warning citizens against traveling to the U.S. [because of frequent shootings], effective until December 31, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported Tuesday.” Only in a world occupied by a stupid America does communist China warn it’s people against traveling to the United States. I just love waking up in the dumbest f***ing country in the world. Once again dumber today than it was yesterday. Good morning stupid America where we are more dangerous than other authoritarian countries. “Freedom!”


First the Emperor and Now the Queen

Fan-f***ing-tastic! The moron traitor trump gains legitimacy with these state visits to Japan and England. Embarrassing! Welcome to stupid America!


That’s a Lie

According to Reuters, “‘Secretary (Patrick) Shanahan directed his chief of staff to speak with the White House military office and reaffirm his mandate that the Department of Defense will not be politicized,’ Lieutenant Colonel Joe Buccino, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.” Traitor trump has been politicizing the DoD since day one, so why would things change now? They won’t. Send more soldiers to patrol the Mexico border against brown people because, of course, that is in no way political. “WALL!” Welcome to stupid America!

International Indigestion

Oh, Like I Said

From Axios, “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Jewish leaders ‘one might argue’ that the White House’s upcoming Middle East plan is ‘unexecutable’ and might not ‘gain traction,’ reports the Washington Post, which obtained audio of the closed-door meeting.” Oh, so like I’ve been saying for months now: there is no f***ing plan, morons. Apparently, they are already lowering expectations on two years of “work” only to have accomplished nothing except recycle a bunch of ideas that failed in the past.


Still the Dumbest Country Ever

From Axios: “The U.S. has more mass shootings than any other country in the world. Federal resources are steered toward shootings motivated by ‘terrorist ideology,’ but most are simply treated as ‘a local crime, a state crime,’ according to former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. Napolitano told ‘Axios on HBO’ that mass gun violence is one of the top threats to safety and security in the U.S.” Nothing will ever change and RepubliKKKlans who resist any form of gun control reform will be considered the law and order party and the party of national “safety.” The level of stupidity in this country is beyond comprehension. Welcome to stupid America! Dumber today than it was yesterday! “Thoughts and prayers!”

Politics RepubliKKKlans

F*** You, Biden!

From Axios: “Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden vowed at the Human Rights Campaign’s gala Saturday his legislative priority was preserving Equality Act protections for LGBTQ people, as he accused the Trump administration of committing ‘immoral’ acts against the community.” Point number one: I will vote blue no matter who even if that is Biden. Point number two: I trust Democrats to at least make the lives of LGBTQ no worse compared to RepubliKKKlans. Point number three (most important): where the f*** were Biden and Obama when Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate to pass legislation that would guarantee the protection of the LGBTQ community from discrimination at the federal level? Trust me when I say I loathe RepubliKKKlans with every fiber of my being, but I am not afraid to call out Democrats for failing to protect LGBTQ rights when they had the chance. Moments like this I begin to understand why would-be Democratic voters switch because they think Democrats are truly weak and spineless! When Biden touts his LGBTQ bona fides let’s not forget Democrats failed the community once before when they had the power, which, of course, they squandered. Has no one recognized the inherent irony of gay people to be legally married on Sunday and fired from their job on Monday? Seriously! This is still the contradiction in law because Democrats were too weak than ever to fix the obvious. Welcome to stupid America where the choice for minorities is often between worst and worse.


One Long 2-year B*tch Session

RawStory mocks Dear Leader, “In a series of tweets, the president lashed out — once again — at Mexico by warning its government, ‘America has had enough!’” Yeah, this weblog is intended to be one long b*itch session, so do not think the irony is lost on me to make such commentary; however, the last thing the office of the presidency should be is a b*tch fest. Yet, it is! And America loves him for it, apparently! Welcome to stupid America where the president finally reflects the true debasement of the tyrannical minority that controls the majority.