MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

No Preconditions!?!?

The AP reports, “U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (pahm-PAY’-oh) says the Trump administration is willing to talk with Iran ‘with no preconditions,’ but he says the United States will continue its campaign of pressure against the Islamic Republic.” I actually had to pause for a moment to recover from my astonishment over this declaration. Who was the last person who said they would meet with Iran without preconditions? Who was it? Anyone? Anyone at all? Obama! That’s right. It was Obama who said he would negotiate with Iran without preconditions, and, of course, RepubliKKKlans crucified him for his naivete at the time. Naturally, here we are in stupid America where RepubliKKKlans have to destroy the progress of the “black man” only to travel down the same path. Un-f***ing-believable! And RepubliKKKlans will get away with it because MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlan voters have absolutely no shame in their hypocrisy; as far as they are concerned if a Democrat does it then it’s inherently wrong, but when a RepubliKKKlan does it then it’s the next coming of Christ! Welcome to stupid America: 99.99% hypocrisy approved and counting! F*** me!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans


From an AP headline, “D-Day’s 24 hours changed 20th century, and Europe, forever.” Yes, and traitor trump is the most deplorable person to be celebrating this honored anniversary. No doubt he’ll make the day all about himself and gain popularity in the military ranks because of it — MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlan’s galore. I’ve been to Normandy and the U.S. military cemetery. The thought of traitor trump giving his form of “tribute” to those fallen soldiers disgusts me! To think we’ll be stuck with him for another six years. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Let the Devastation Reign

Bloomberg reports, “The economic damage of U.S. tariffs on Mexican goods would tear through battleground states that President Donald Trump needs to win re-election, hurting the auto industry in Michigan and Ohio, dairy farmers in Wisconsin and grain and hog farmers in Iowa and North Carolina.” I say good! These MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans voted for traitor trump to start an “easy to win” set of trade wars, and I say let the farmers and other industries be the first causalities — literally if necessary. I really do not care if traitor trump loses his voters because they lost faith or because they committed suicide. The end desired result is the same for me. Farmers and other hardcore MAGA morons keep saying they agree with the short-term pain caused by traitor trumps’ trade policies for the long-term gain. Considering he has absolutely no long-term strategy of any kind other than “WALL!” and “brown people,” I don’t understand why these f***tards continue to support him as he makes things worse at every turn, yet they do because this is stupid America! I say bring it!


Who Really Cares Anymore?

From CNN: “The shooter who opened fire indiscriminately in a Virginia Beach city building Friday afternoon, killing at least 11 people and sending six others to the hospital, was a disgruntled employee, a Virginia government source briefed on the investigation told CNN.” Another mass terrorist attack and nothing will change. This is stupid America with so many “thoughts and prayers.” So what? The next mass killing will come and go with the collective societal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It’s never enough to change gun laws. So who cares? Apparently no one! Seriously? One mass shooting after another and the f***tards in this country keep electing RepubliKKKlans to do nothing about it. So, I ask again: who really cares? No one! Welcome to m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! The national motto: Bang! Bang!

Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans

Don’t Get Excited

From CNN: “Republicans have been successfully leveraging the Supreme Court balance of power as a major campaign issue to ignite their base since the 1980s. For Democrats, the 2020 election may mark the first in modern times that they unite around the high court as a driving force in a presidential election. Democratic candidates are increasingly advocating ‘court packing,’ that is, upping the number of Supreme Court justices to balance the bench — or ensure a liberal majority. The idea is unlikely to succeed for historical and practical reasons but its resonance on the campaign trail reflects Democrats’ new emphasis on the judiciary during the Trump era.” Um, yeah, I’m not holding my breath on this hope. As usual, I don’t expect dumbass Democrats to suddenly get a clue on SCOTUS after 40 years of the RepubliKKKlans out-playing them on picking judiciary appointments. Dumbass Democrats are not going to grow a spine on this! They may talk a good game but when push comes to shove they will be too timid to make the grand changes necessary because dumbass Democrats are weak! Weak! Weak! F***ing weak! Welcome to stupid America where the strong and wrong dominate over the weak and right! F*** me!

MAGA Morons Religion as Retardation

For F*** Sake Just Do It Already

From CNN: “US stock index futures and Asian stock markets, including shares of Japanese and South Korean automakers, tumbled Thursday after President Donald Trump said the United States will impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports.” Just f***ing do it! God-f***ing-dam**t just f***ing impose the tariffs. All of them! Everywhere! The morons have no f***ing clue the disaster traitor trump is threatening to unleash upon the economy until he finally does the bat-Scheiße-crazy stuff he keeps talking about. The only way there can be any hope of traitor trump losing re-election is if “the economy stupid” sinks, and even then I’m sure most MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will still find a way to blame Democrats (and vote for traitor trump again). At this point, I’m all in for destroying the economy — starting with the farmers — because this is what stupid America voted for and elections have f***ing consequences, not that anybody seems to care or understand. Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Welcome to Stupid ‘Patriotic’ America

From the headline of an article in the WSJ: “White House Wanted USS John McCain ‘Out of Sight’ During Trump Japan Visit.” Of course! This is the type of person the uber so-called patriotic MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans love. I mean they think a draft-dodging president who insults the military regularly is their hero. Un-f***ing-believable. Once again this is a country of incomprehensible hypocrisy and stupidity. I have no doubt every person in the military will rush to re-elect traitor trump because the military has become an institution of sycophants (see Make Aircrew Great Again) that defends the president and not the nation formed by the Constitution. So, we are screwed. If traitor trump ever orders the military to fire on civilians then they will do it — without hesitation. “Heil traitor trump!” “Heil traitor trump!” “Heil traitor trump!” Welcome to stupid America. The country is lost. Seriously! Lost! And dumbass Democrats are feckless to do anything about it.

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Genius to a Country of F***tards

From Politico, “‘I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant, but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores,’ Cohen told the House Oversight Committee.” The only way traitor trump can honestly get away with calling himself a genius is by understanding that his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters are dumber than he is. He is essentially a genius by default compared to a bunch of people who are pretty much mentally retarded. Welcome to stupid America! Ya!

Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans

Traitor Mueller Speaks

According to USA Today: “With his remarks Wednesday, Mueller clearly sought to preempt an appearance before Congress by arguing that he has nothing further to say. ‘I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak about this matter,’ Mueller said. ” What the f*** have I been saying for months now? Mueller is just as much of a traitor as traitor trump! Really? The traitor “expects” that this is the only time he’ll speak on the Russian investigation? Well, traitor Mueller: f*** you! You know what? The House will determine if and when you’ll speak for the last time. So, f*** him and f*** dumbass Democrats if they fail to subpoena Mueller to testify, which I have full confidence they will (fail to do). Naturally! The f***ing morons in this country only care about the spectacle (i.e., traitor trump’s entire presidency), so dumbass Democrats should give it to the masses. If this is what it takes to start impeachment proceedings then so be it. Of course, there is still one burning question that no one else seems to be concerned about getting an answer: why did traitor Mueller not interview traitor trump? Why? I swear to f***ing God it is the single most important question that everybody is ignoring. Make him answer; the country deserves his testimony in full view, not for him to hide behind a report that raises more questions about what he did or didn’t do. Welcome to stupid America. It’s 100% apathy here — where’s the new shiny thingy?

Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans

Of Course, He Would

From CNN: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year’s presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.” Was there ever a doubt that he, along with every other RepubliKKKlan, is a vile hypocrite? Look! I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say this, but it’s over, folks! Dumbass Democrats have been weak for decades, and now the tables are fully turned by an opponent who has been ruthless all the while. Idiots in this country will understand soon enough how a majority conservative judiciary will dictate to people how they are allowed to live their lives. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America! It’s been one bumbling Democratic failure after another.