Christ-on-the-F***ing-Cross! Here we f***ing go again! According to NBC News, “Grusch, who underscored that he has not personally spotted a UAP, told the panel that he knows of ‘multiple colleagues’ who were injured by UAPs. He also said he has interviewed individuals who have recovered ‘nonhuman biologics’ from crashed UAPs. Grusch said he prefers to use the term ‘nonhuman’ rather than alien or extraterrestrial. Asked by Rep. Eric Burlison, R-Mo., to substantiate the crashed UAPs claim, the former intelligence official said he could not divulge specific details, once again claiming the information was too sensitive to share with the public. [Grush] did, however, describe the nature of what he saw: ‘I have to be very careful here … [but] what I personally witnessed, myself and my wife, was very disturbing.’” If you believe aliens have any interest in this planet, then you are a f***ing G.D. moron.
Looks like the specter of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth is back in the news with, unsurprisingly, RepubliKKKlan f***tards giving credence to the notion that an advanced alien species has visited — routinely snoops upon — us lowly Homo Sapiens. Look, f***tards, of low intellect, people who believe this sh*t have been watching too many movies and streaming too much Star Trek and clearly have no understanding of physics. Allow me to briefly recap just how vast the cosmos is. The closest star system to Earth is Alpha Centauri, which also includes five possible exoplanets — perhaps one of them is Earth-like, not that aliens must evolve on an Earth-like planet. Alpha Centauri is approximately 4.3 light-years away. To give some perspective on how far this is, consider the following: The space shuttle’s maximum speed was 17,600 mph (some man-made satellites travel significantly faster, but last I checked, they don’t carry people), which means it would take 165,000 years to reach our nearest neighboring star system. This is slightly sooner than humans, as we understand them to be in a “modern” sense, have been walking on Earth. That is to say, when Homo erectus evolved beyond Neanderthals. The next closest star system with a possible exoplanet is Lalande #21185 at 8.3 light-years away, so about double the distance and time. You get my point here? The time it takes us to travel to another world and become “aliens” to those “inhabitants” would essentially take longer than man has been roaming the Earth. And that, of course, assumes the few closest exoplanets to Earth actually harbor intelligent life to apprehend our visits.
Is this dispositive that aliens do not exist? Of course, not. But it puts into perspective the vastness of the universe. I never said extraterrestrial life (intelligent or otherwise) does not exist, for it most certainly does — somewhere out there. But the chances that other-worldly intelligent life is sophisticated and advanced enough to visit us is infinitesimally remote. I think we underestimate the limits of physics. Have we discovered every mystery of physics? Clearly, no. But there are fundamental laws we have tested and retested that hold true. One of them is the universal speed limit: The speed of light. Unless and until we figure out how to bend space-time without having to have the mass of a star, then we ain’t going nowhere fast. All that sh*t you see on sci-fi shows is just that — science fiction.
And just as an aside, while I’m thinking about it. The likes of Newton and Einstein are real, actual geniuses, unlike Musk, who is not a genius. He is merely a hype man and carnival-barker who’s good at taking something that already exists or finding others to create something he dreamed up and then promoting the hell out of it. Musk has never created anything of substantive importance nor discovered any fundamental laws defining our existence. But I digress.
Let’s assume that intelligent life exists in the remote corners of the universe — and has for millions, if not billions, of years, — and that aliens have somehow discovered the ability to bend space-time to their will so that they can traverse galaxies easily and quickly. And if such life does exist, then that begs the question, Why would aliens be interested in us? We, as creatures, have, by comparison, just crawled out of the primordial soup of nascent life. Furthermore, how could such advanced life forms be so clumsy to have their high-tech spaceships crash or be discovered by our low-tech? It doesn’t make sense. Because, of course, it doesn’t.
This brings me to my last point. Why the f*** are RepubliKKKlans wasting time with these hearings? (Some dumbass Democrats have also indulged the fray.) I have no doubt UAPs exist, but they are not other-worldly. And is this “nonhuman biologics” nonsense supposed to be proof of something? Allow me to go way back in the way-back machine to the last century when “on June 14, 1949, a Rhesus monkey named Albert II blasted to an altitude of 83 miles in a V-2, surviving the flight but dying on impact. A year later, the U.S. launched a mouse and photographed its behavior in a weightless state, although it too was not recovered alive.” Do you know what these remnants are called? Nonhuman biologics! Indeed, humans have a long history of sending nonhumans into space, from fruit flies to dogs to monkeys, which in early space exploration usually did not come back alive or in one piece (i.e., crashed). No reason to believe humans are not still sending nonhuman, worldly biologics into space. Indeed, it is far more likely that the U.S. and other nations are testing whatever they are testing under the cloak of secrecy, but that does not automatically mean extraterrestrial. But then again, I live in stupid America where QAnon kooks and MAGA morons abound, so I should have expected nothing less!