
Life Under Dictator Don: The Enviornment

Continuing in my series, I tackle the environment next. In short, you f***ing f***tards of the highest m*****f***ing order. You stupid, stupid, stupid voters! What the f*** have you done?!?! F*** me! Eh, more like f*** you! I suppose this is where the youth vote was expected to step up and save their future planet — literally. But as expected and right on cue, they failed. The youth of this sh*t-for-brains country put their misogyny and racism above the actual f***ing world in which they live. Recall that one of the first things Dictator Don did in his first term was immediately withdraw America from the Paris Climate Accord. He actually took a hit in his approval as a result. Come January 2025, he will withdraw America again from the climate pact. Christ! The world can no longer trust America. (That’s a topic for another post and worthy of fulsome discussion because America’s diminishing standing in the world is the worst possible consequence for the country of re-electing Dictator Don. But I digress.) I predict that when he pulls out of the mutual climate agreement, which nearly every other country on the planet has joined, there will barely be a blimp in his approval rating. People simply won’t care. It will be the first of many, many shrug moments. This time around, the populace will roll their eyes and move on, holding no one in the administration of Dictator Don accountable for anything he does in office.

Then we have Dictator Don’s pick to head up the EPA — the Environmental Protection Agency for the, no doubt, morons out there that have no idea what any of these important acronyms mean. Salon gets to the point, “President-elect Donald Trump tapped New York Republican Lee Zeldin Monday to be his new head of the Environmental Protection Agency, further signaling his intention to oppose government action to address climate change. … Zeldin has a 14 percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters, with the organization finding he opposed 51 out of 53 climate change bills on which he voted from 2015 to 2023. Because Zeldin represented a Long Island district, he has supported conservation measures that focus on Long Island coastlines. At the same time, he opposed clean water legislation at least 12 times and clean air legislation at least six times.” So much for progressing on climate issues. It’s always two steps back because that’s what this sh*t-for-brains country wants. This nation of f***tards couldn’t row in the same direction for more than four years if everyone’s life depended on it. Well, this is literally everyone’s life at stake because we’re talking about protecting the f***ing environment. Oh, and before I forget, climate change is part of the reason for higher food prices — you know, that singular excuse that people used to justify voting for Dictator Don. As climate change worsens, crop failures will continue to increase, limiting food supplies which causes — wait for it … wait for it — inflation! Whatever! I give up with this sh*t-for-brains country. Ya’ll are f***ing idiots, and you did this to yourself. I have no sympathy for any Dictator Don votes. I hope you die from whatever this new administration unleashes on you — take away your health care, your vaccines, your birth control, your access to abortions. You name it! If it hurts RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, or QAnon kooks, then I’m all for it.

Not to mention, America doesn’t want to be the leader in climate change mitigation. Nope! Of course, not! I expected nothing less! Let’s not lead anymore. In fact, as Salon states, “And if Trump dismantles our democracy, as many fear will be the case, and the world’s greatest power, the U.S., becomes — in essence — a petrostate, it’s game over for climate action full stop.” Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! In one election cycle, America goes from caring about the future of the planet’s climate under Biden to a desire to be, as Senator McCain said of Russia, “a gas station masquerading as a country.” Fan-f***ing-tastic! America is following in the footsteps of Russia. Only in stupid America! This is what Americans want. Oh, well! F*** climate change is the new mantra. Mark my words! Mark them well. We will get dirtier air and water, and no one f***ing cares. And the youth helped to deliver this new reality. You f***tards did this to yourselves. But whatever. I don’t f***ing care at this point anyway. The rest of the world, with the help of America, is going to blow past the 1.5-degree Celsius threshold anyway, which is the point of no return. I won’t be around to endure the consequences of a country and a world that trashed the planet and literally has to live in a worldwide cesspool. Eh, so f*** you guys! It’s all a hoax, right? Welcome to stupid America!


Don’t Be Fooled, You F***tards!

Well, it took a mere eight to 24 hours for the MSM to fully get on board the Dictator Don bandwagon, and their supine boot-licking continues as they try to convince us that Dictator Don’s Cabinet picks so far, at the time of this writing, are somehow a relief. Right on cue, they are missing the point. Allow me to cut through their B.S. for you f***tards. To be sure, Dictator Don’s Cabinet Secretary picks are all f***ing window-dressing; they are the veneer on top of a rotting administration being quietly assembled underneath. It’s not the heads of departments that should worry citizens; it is the underlings a few levels down the chain that should be concerning. Indeed, it is these no-names that are the true menace. Somehow, the MSM is losing sight of the fact that Cabinet Secretaries will not be allowed to run their departments or pick their leadership as they wish. No, the Dictator Don administration will choose the deputies and directors under the Secretaries. Those people will be the movers and the shakers, and the Cabinet Secretaries will simply have to live with the MAGA morons selected to work under them by someone else. Dictator Don will run policy with an iron fist. The Secretaries are merely the mouthpieces, not the decision-makers. Mark my words, morons. Mark them well. Mark them just as sincerely as I warned you for years before the election. This is precisely the same admonition I’ve been screaming at you idiots since Dictator Don lost in 2020. Eh, whatever. No one cares. This is what people voted for.

And one more point. Dictator Don is inviting future chaos. Don’t think for a minute that his second term will be any less chaotic than his first. The man thrives on tumult and agitation. Some of these “mainstream” Cabinet Secretaries appear ripe for quick dismissal in a few months because Dictator Don can’t not avoid the spectacle of shaking things up on a whim. It’s in his nature, and to be brutally honest — and as I’ve said hundreds of times before — the morons of America who elected him want the upheaval. In no small part, this sh*t-for-brains country wants the sh*t-show! People are bored all too often. They elected Dictator Don as the entertainer-in-chief for which Americans have an insatiable longing. I can’t. I just can’t anymore with the stupid. Welcome to stupid America. As dumb as it’s ever been! I told you so first, as always!


Life Under Dictator Don: The Immigrants

Continuing in my series, I turn to the plight of the immigrant. First, they came for the illegal immigrants with criminal records, and I did not speak out — because I was not a criminal. Remember those words. According to The Hill, “Incoming ‘border czar’ Tom Homan said Monday that President-elect Trump’s administration will crank up workplace raids as part of its broader immigration crackdown. … Homan, an early proponent of the ‘zero tolerance’ policy that separated more than 4,000 children from their parents in the first Trump administration, said he will prioritize ‘public safety threats and national security threats’ for deportation as border czar. But Homan said foreign nationals with orders of deportation ‘became a fugitive,’ suggesting immigrants without criminal records but with final orders of deportation would be high on the list of deportation priorities.”

So, this is what Americans wanted — a return to child separation, for starters. Those who didn’t know better are about to discover that they should have listened to Dictator Don a little bit closer and believed what he said on the campaign trail. (Although, I dare say that he told voters precisely what they wanted him to say, including Lanitos.) Oh, well. However, the key thing to focus on here is the person who will be in charge as Border Czar. Not only is he going to disrupt families with glee, but he’ll eagerly disrupt companies that no doubt supported a Dictator Don presidency because of “tax breaks” and “small businesses.” Oh, those f***tards f***ed around, and they’re about to find out. And don’t for a second think they will only target immigrants who have criminal records. Not! What part of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons calling immigrants “illegal” do these idiot voters (especially Latinos) not understand? As far as these soon-to-be members of the Dictator Don administration are concerned, if you cross the border, then you are by definition a criminal, so you don’t need to have been convicted of anything; your existence in this country makes you, um, ILLEGAL! So, out you go. It doesn’t matter if you arrived last week, last year, or two decades ago — married with children — you’re going to get deported. He did it in his first term, and now these actions will be in overdrive. But don’t worry. I’m sure there are plenty of machismo men who voted for Dictator Don, knowing their parents came into and remained in the country illegally. These are the same men who couldn’t bring themselves to save their family and vote for a woman — GASP! But, as always with this sh*t-for-brains country, idiots always think Dictator Don is not talking about them. Oh, no! It’s always the other guy. Good luck with that, f***tards! People get the government they deserve and desire. Better get the cattle cars ready. They’re coming for you, f***tards — the brown people! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Did I mention that America has actually done this brown round-up before? It was called Operation Wetback. During this mass deportation, U.S. citizens were removed. So, brown citizens may not be immune. To you, Lantios, who voted for Dictator Don, congratulations, morons! You guys better have your papers — literally — on you at all times. Get a passport and pretend you live in a foreign country that can stop and frisk you at any time, demanding your papers. You know, like Nazi Germany! This is the country you f***tards voted for, and it’s the state of affairs you’re going to get in spades! You did this to yourself. And to be honest, there is no small part of me that hopes this happens as Dictator Don laid out. I hope the round-ups happen! I hope brown citizens get mistakenly deported! I hope there is a great deal of pain and suffering! Why do I hope for these things? Because elections have consequences, and this sh*t-for-brains country seems to forget this maxim every f***ing time. So, America and Americans need to go through some things before they remember or, dare I say, learn. (Who am I kidding? Americans are unlearnable idiots.) Morons just need to suffer! Have I mentioned that you guys did this to yourselves? You will rue the day you ever voted for Dictator Don because — prices! You thought you were electing someone to help you with the cost of living. I guess what you really should be thinking about is the cost of living in your country of origin. Ha! Ha! I’m dying of laughter. I can’t wait for the first Latino “bro” who voted for Dictator Don that has his illegal immigrant parents deported. I can’t f***ing wait! And mark my words; in his second term, his administration will be far more effective and efficient than the first, so while you may see the usual bungling and chaos at the top, his minions will execute the Don’s policies with far more ruthlessness and alacrity.

Oh, but I have more! According to CNN, “The League of United Latin American Citizens, the oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States, is securing money and lawyers to fight what it is already calling potential ‘vicious, malevolent, cruel and ruthless’ immigration policies. … A lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union says its planning for legal challenges is already well advanced. ‘We have been preparing for a second Trump term for nearly a year, with a focus on the most draconian possible policies, including the threat to use the military for deportation, which is flatly illegal,’ said Lee Gelernt, an ACLU attorney who argued many of the most high-profile cases during Trump’s first term.” Oh, you stupid, stupid people. I know they mean well, but seriously, Dictator Don is not going to let the law stand in his way, especially since SCOTUS gave him plenary power. From SCOTUS’ immunity ruling, “The indictment’s allegations that Trump attempted to pressure the Vice President to take particular acts in connection with his role at the certification proceeding thus involve official conduct, and Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution for such conduct [“official,” which SCOTUS never defines explicitly, by design; they leave that to Dictator Don]. The question then becomes whether that presumption of immunity is rebutted under the circumstances. It is the Government’s burden to rebut the presumption of immunity [emphasis added].” Not only did SCOTUS give Dictator Don the presumption of immunity for official conduct (read: basically everything he does while in office), but they also shifted the burden to the government to prove he’s not immune. Who is the government under Dictator Don? The Don! So, look, morons, he will do whatever he wants under this new standard of basically shoot first, ask questions later. Welcome to stupid America!


Um, F*** American Muslims?

According to NBC News, “Qatar has halted its mediation efforts between Israel and Hamas, citing a lack of willingness from both sides to engage constructively, according to a diplomatic source briefed on the matter. Qatar’s participation hinged on both parties demonstrating real interest in resolving the conflict, according to the diplomat. Qatari officials, however, concluded that recent negotiation efforts have been more focused on optics than peace efforts.” This is absolutely a direct consequence of the U.S. presidential election. They’re not saying it outright, but it is clear. Yes, neither side really wanted a peace deal, but at least the Biden Administration kept the two sides at the table despite any fruitful progress — better to be talking than not. Now, the charade is over. Israel will continue the “genocide” unencumbered. Whatever minimal pressure Biden was able to force upon Israel is gone for good. Imagine Israel unleashed on Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon now. Morons!

Who is to blame? American Muslims, in part. According to Politico, “Unofficial results show Trump received the most votes in Dearborn, with 42 percent, while Harris earned 36 percent — a 33 percentage point drop from when Biden won Dearborn in 2020. Green party candidate Jill Stein collected 18 percent.” To be sure, Muslims did not singlehandedly give Dictator Don his victory, but they sure got their wish, and they helped him. To that, I say: Elections have consequences, and I am utterly unbothered by the ongoing devastation Israel unleashes on Gaza and other Palestinians, destruction that Dictator Don will now rubber stamp. Oh, well, f***tards. Many of you refused to support Harris because of her “endorsement” of genocide. Yet, Dictator Don will give his unconditional approval to that exact same genocide. Great decision, idiots. Real slick move. And these American Muslim f***tards deserve what they get, here and overseas. Whatever! I don’t care. Any sympathy I had is out the window. You come for my democracy, then I’m wishing death and destruction on your homeland! I will not shed a tear!

Furthermore, as Politico reports, “‘They [Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan] didn’t vote for Trump because they believe Trump is the best candidate,’ said Osama Siblani, publisher of the Arab American News. ‘No, they voted for Trump because they want to punish the Democrats and Harris.’” I agree with that sentiment! American Muslims wanted to punish Harris, so I’m all for Dictator Don punishing American Muslims and their families abroad in return. Let the return of the Muslim bans begin! (As you can probably tell, I’m not the forgiving liberal type — never have been. I am the backbone for which dumbass Democrats should be looking.) I want to exact retributions against those who do not put the best interests of America’s democracy first. Not MAGA. That is something else. These f***ing Muslims put the welfare of their Palestinian families aboard and their emotions above the need to preserve our democracy at home from a dictator. When given the chance to vote for or against democracy, they voted against it. This is unforgivable! If they want to help their families in Gaza and the West Bank, then f***ing move there, take up arms, and fight. Don’t f***ing undermine America’s democracy because you’re pissy. You stupid m*****f***ing G.D. morons! Again, elections have consequences. So, good luck with what you’ve brought upon yourselves and your kin! Send these Dictator Don Muslim supporters back to the country from whence they came! Now, that’s a mass deportation policy I can get behind! Welcome to stupid America. The end is here — right now — for at least some of you undesirables. To harsh? I think not!


I Can’t Stand Weeping Liberals Anymore

Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! I can’t f***ing stand these weeping liberals on talk radio and podcasts following Harris’s loss. It is precisely this emotional weakness that f***ing lost us the election in the first f***ing place. F*** me! Seriously! F*** me! It just manifests weakness. Weakness! Weakness! Weakness! For whatever f***ed up reason, dumbass Democrats, progressives, liberals, et al. can’t seem to channel the right emotions to win. Unlike RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, who channel their hate and fear to victory, the Left constantly worries about offending the other side. Always too cautious. Always too accommodating. Always seeking approval from the Right. That is weakness! F***ing weakness! F***! How many times must I say it? How many times before people get it? You don’t see me weeping. I never shed a tear because Harris failed. It’s not because I wished she would lose. Far from it! I’m just f***ing pissed, and I’m going to stay that way for at least the next four years. I’m already plotting ways to cut out MAGA moron acquaintances from my life. Before Tuesday, I tolerated them, but I no longer see the need to do so. This is exactly the type of social retribution that liberals should be engaging. Part of the problem is that dumbass Democrats always want to heal and bring the other side together. F*** that! I’m sorry, but you can’t reconcile with a side of the country that hates democracy and voted for fascism. Why is this so f***ing hard to understand? War is coming, f***tards! I get this. RepubliKKKlans et al. understand this. But you have liberals still weeping. We’re doomed. Welcome to stupid America! As usual, dumbass Democrats bring their weeping to a knife fight. And people wonder why dumbass Democrats lost.


The Youth Vote Was Never Going to Save America!

Once again, allow myself to quote myself, “I have said this more times than I can count: If younger generations always vote more progressively than previous generations, then we’d be living in a f***ing utopia right now. Do you see an American utopia? I don’t. Not even f***ing close. Yet, I keep hearing dumbass Democrats and other f***tard progressive political pundits, who claim to be ‘experts,’ that the youth vote is going to save America from another traitor trump presidency. Are you f***ing kidding me?!?!” Now conferatur from an article from The Guardian, “As a whole, Kamala Harris won voters between the ages of 18 and 29 by six points. But preliminary exit polling indicates that Donald Trump opened up a 16-point gender gap between young men and young women: 56% of men between the ages of 18 and 29 voted for Trump while just 40% of their female peers did so.”

I hate to keep bragging (not really), but I must because it would seem at this point I’m one of few with a liberal political bent that actually has a better understanding of America than the professional, progressive political class of pundits and “experts.” I saw this coming from a mile away for the very reasons I stated above, namely, generations regress. It happens all the time, and now we are in an era of pure, unmitigated regression. We are going back, to borrow a phrase. Gen Z is growing increasingly in love with an authoritarian Don. Full stop! Welcome to stupid America. Dumbass Democrats still haven’t figured it out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Life Under Dictator Don: The People’s Mandate

I am going to start a short-run series of posts that focuses on what life will be like under Dictator Don. Allow me to begin with the people’s mandate. Oh, yes, I said it, and I mean it. His victory is absolutely nothing short of a mandate (although it is a mirage), and there is no other way to interrupt the win. Dumbass Democrats were absolutely slaughtered across the country, save a few bright spots here and there, but as a national contest, they lost control of the Senate by what will probably be a 3-seat margin, wipping out the need to rely on recalcitrant RepubliKKKlan voters like Collins and Murkowski. The jury is still out on the House, but I doubt Democrats will take back control. Even a slim RepubliKKKlan majority in the House is more than enough to keep them in line, knowing they own the White House and the Senate. Every RepubliKKKlan will follow their marching orders to the T. Mark my words. Unlike in Dictator Don’s first term, Congressmen, Senators, executive officers, et al. will be singing from the same songbook. There will be no dissenters, no independent thinkers, or any people with a conscience in the RepubliKKKlan Party to push back. Those days are over. Thus, Dictator Don will run the country with complete control of Congress! Imagine that! (Don’t worry. I will imagine the worst for you since, apparently, morons of America failed to conjure up their worst fears before electing the Don to office.)

A word about the raw numbers behind his mandate. At the time of this writing, it appears that when all the 2024 numbers are tallied, Dictator Don will best his 2020 popular vote by a few hundred thousand, but using the numbers currently reported by Wikipedia, he received just over 50 percent of the total vote, his best showing ever. However, compared to the voting-eligible population in 2024 (~245.7 million people), he garnered approximately 29.9 percent. By comparison, in previous elections, Dictator Don received 27.3 percent in 2016 and 30.1 percent in 2020 of the voter-eligible population. In short, he has never received more than a third of the vote from all those who could vote. To put it more succinctly, the smallest minority will be ruling over the vast majority because Americans are simply too f***ing stupid to care. To be sure, there are, no doubt, tens and tens of millions of people (non-voter eligible and eligible voters alike) who fully support Dictator Don but didn’t or couldn’t make their voices heard via the ballot box. Do these “unheard” voices mirror the actual vote, or are they indeed the silent majority who protest against Dictator Don? If it is the latter, then there may be some hope for America. If it is the former, then God help us!

Of course, dumbass Democrats are more to blame than anything because according to the exit polls and the election results, Dictator Don improved upon his 2020 numbers across the board — with most demographics in 49 states, including D.C. Yet, as I just stated, he improved his margins significantly with barely breaking his popular vote total from 2020. In other words, he improved his numerator but the denominator remained the same. How can this be? Well, I’ll tell you. Dumbass Democrats failed to show up to vote. Full stop! Thus, Americans handed him a mandate by defaulting to doing nothing. How quintessentially American! And therein lies the rub: He has a mandate that is no mandate at all. But I promise you that’s not how he’ll interpret his win. Oh, well.

To be sure, Dictator Don will be unchained, knowing that he has (rightly) a mandate from the rabble! That means he’ll be uninhibited in thought and action — as if he could be any more unconstrained, but he’ll find a way. Unwittingly or not, Americans have given him a blank check and the confidence to do whatever he wants. (Remember, his first term was just practice with a JV team; his second term will be professional ball, so to speak.) I can hear it now when anyone questions his actions or methods — “The people gave me a mandate!” And guess what? He’d be right, absolutely f***ing right, because I live in the dumbest country on the planet! It would be an understatement of galactic proportions for me to say that morons of America have no idea just how much power they’ve given him, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. So, that’s the starting point: A dictator completely without a conscience who can do whatever he wants with the blessing of We the People. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Only in stupid, stupid America! I’m counting down to the end.


No More Traitor [T]rump

Given the election results, it’s clear that I can no longer use the “traitor trump” moniker. In all their glorious stupidity, Americans have absolved him — and to their peril, I might add. But whatever! Stupid is as stupid does! So, I have a new nickname for him, Dictator Don, which is a description he probably won’t find all that offensive. I’ll keep the capitalization as such because I was sick of Grammarly constantly trying to correct “trump” to “Trump,” and they seem to want to do the same for “don” to “Don.” I’m not messing with grammar anymore to keep proving a point that obviously falls on the minds of morons. Nonetheless, idiots of America found him not guilty across the board for his transgressions. So, good luck with that, you f***tards! Welcome to stupid America! Too dumb to keep its democracy, and they proved it!


I Was More Right Than I Thought!

At the time of this writing and as the numbers begin to shake out of the 2024 presidential election, more of my predictions seem to have come to fruition. But I’ll start with my big failure: I thought, for sure, that Dictator Don would never win the popular vote, but would win by more than he received in 2020. I was gravely wrong in those respects. However, as I think about those specific prognostications, they do contradict my other predictions, namely that Black and Hispanic men will kill democracy (i.e., not vote for Harris), and people would gladly give up democracy for a few more pennies in their pocket (i.e., it’s the economy, stupid). Both these things can’t be true, as it turns out, and not inherently mean Dictator Don would not win the popular vote. Of course, if the former two circumstances are true, then naturally, he must win the popular vote. And that’s precisely what happened.

But I nailed it on other counts! (As I usually do!) I nailed it when I claimed Black and Latino men would get Dictator Don elected. Allow myself to quote myself from an earlier post: “To be sure, Harris is trailing among most demographics compared to Biden in 2020, but it seems to me that Black and Latino men, with whom the force of misogyny is strong, my young padawan, will gladly risk their futures by not voting for Harris.” As the exit polls manifest themselves, it has become obvious that many more Latino men switched their votes to Dictator Don from Biden, as did Black men to a lesser degree. But Black men failed Harris in a more devastating way: They simply stayed home, which is why, in large part, Harris received nearly 14 million fewer votes than Biden did in 2020! Black voters still highly favored Harris as a percentage of the total vote, but in absolute numbers, the total fell well short of what Biden received the last time.

As it relates to the economy, again, allow me to quote a specific example from myself, “Thus, voters — as I’ve said a thousand times before — will turn their backs on democracy if it means a few more dollars in their wallets.” I’ve long predicted this, and you can do a search of my posts about capitalism, authoritarianism, and the like. But in short, f***tards of America will gladly give up their freedom and democracy for a few more Shekels in their pocket. Full stop! It’s that simple. So! People get the government they deserve and desire, which is not going to be what they thought they voted for, but it’s way too late for that now! Because I promise you that the economy Black and Latino men thought they voted for (or passively engendered) by electing Dictator Don is not going to be the one that makes their lives better. (I am definitely going to write a separate post on that soon-to-be sh*t-show!)

I also predicted America’s apathy would kill America’s democracy. Again, I quote myself as just the latest of many like examples, “Whatever! I give up! I called this race three years ago, and except for a month of believing Harris could win, I’ve never changed my mind because I understand the essence of this nation of morons. And that essence is this: People don’t want democracy anymore because they’re too f***ing stupid to apprehend the danger we’re in. It’s that simple. An idiot conman came along to promise the people riches and the ease of never having to think again. ‘Only I can fix it.’ ‘You won’t have to worry about elections anymore.’ And people believe him. Welcome to stupid America! No one cares, as the end is clearly in sight. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! Remember, morons, you did this to yourself.” Again, as I’ve said many, many, many times, people are too stupid and apathetic about keeping their democracy. And given the lackluster number of votes in 2024, it is apparent that millions and millions of people failed to show up to the polls and essentially allowed Dictator Don to win by acquiescence. That apathy will bite Americans in the ass — hard! Mark my words, morons! Oh, well.

And a few other lesser points. First, abortion rights were never going to save our democracy or Harris, as I knew it would not. Moreover, I correctly predicted that people would gladly vote in favor of protecting abortion rights at the state level and then turn right around and vote for Dictator Don. Bingo! I was right again, of course! As the red states showed, they passed amendments to their state constitutions enshrining abortion access and then voted RepubliKKKlans into office. Apparently, these morons are utterly oblivious to the fact that once in the White House, Dictator Don can unilaterally make it impossible to access abortion drugs, which is the primary way abortions are conducted. So, forget about a federal law banning abortions; he can do it by advising the FDA to withdraw approval of medications used for abortions. The irony is that morons in these states will force their women to utilize surgical abortions, which is more dangerous than medication abortions. But whatever! Nothing matters! Second, and on a related note, if women refused to make abortion a primary motivator, then there was no way they would save America’s democracy. I did not put this prediction forth as blatantly, forcefully, and regularly as I did with my other ideas, but it was something I said a couple of times but inferred more. Women were not going to save abortion rights, which is almost axiomatic with women not going to stop Dictator Don from taking office! You can’t have one without the other! Last, I am very, very proud to announce that my First Axiom holds, which I created and state thusly: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever. And just a bit of a caveat here: Dictator Don may have been convicted in New York of a crime, but there is a good chance he may not be sentenced. Furthermore, the judge may dismiss the case altogether. Is a conviction without a sentencing still a conviction? That is far less of a philosophical question than you may think. Also, his other legal cases were not criminal in nature; they were civil, in which he was held liable, not guilty, so the First Axiom does not apply and still holds.

I will end with this: Since I’ve proven my ability to foresee the direction of the nation years in advance, I’m going to make some pretty scary forecasts about Dictator Don’s next term. Now, either you morons can continue to ignore me at your own risk, or you can brace yourselves. I would say you could muster the courage and will to fight to get your democracy back, but honestly, it’s a bit too late for that. You f***tards killed America’s democracy, and we’re not getting it back peacefully, and I sincerely doubt Americans have the stomach for a fight. Like Nazi Germany, Americans will gladly welcome fascism as a replacement for democracy. Now, it’s a matter of survival. The end is here, morons. Look at what you did to yourselves, you stupid, stupid people! Welcome to stupid America!


I Told You So, F***tards!

How many times did I say it? How many f***ing times? You, stupid, stupid, stupid people. I told you that Americans are simply too f***ing stupid to keep their f***ing democracy. Americans don’t want democracy; they want fascism, just like half the world does. Abortion rights were never going to save this election for Democrats because, once again, abortion rights are always someone else’s problem. Always! Always! Always! How many f***ing times have I said this? How many f***ing times? So many times that I’m sick of screaming it into the void! And women were never going to save democracy. America is too misogynistic and racist to elect a woman, sadly. Hate and fear always win over hope and joy. Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! What part of this do you morons not understand?!?! And lest we forget the well-worn adage: It’s the economy, stupid! Always and forever! Furthermore, RepubliKKKlans actually understand that it is better to be strong and wrong than weak and right. And, of course, this is who we are! We are a racist country that hates women in power and the “other” more generally. All these things (and more) I’ve been saying and warning about for years, but no one believed me! I hate to say I told you so, but I did — often and repeatedly. I understand this country. I’ve lived in it long enough, and we consistently take one step forward and two steps back like clockwork. It never f***ing fails! But this, my f***tards, this is two steps back from which we will never recover.

So, get ready, you f***ing morons of the highest f***ing order. You guys just killed your own democracy, and you’re not going to get it back. The end is here, and we’re just getting started with the hatred! The Democratic Party is in shambles and will be entirely incapable of fighting back against RepubliKKKlans. Mark my words and mark them well! I was right to warn you idiots about dictator don starting two years ago, and I will be right about America becoming a fascist country. However, there is one prediction I got wrong; it looks like Harris will not win the popular vote — incomprehensibly — and this only strengthens MAGA world’s resolve. So, America is royally screwed because now dictator don is going to rightly claim he has a mandate. To be sure, a convicted criminal is going to win in an electoral landslide when all is said and done. I hate to break it to you, but that’s what this election was — a red tsunami! Christ! America is f***ed, and maybe we don’t deserve to keep our democracy. We did this to ourselves.

A second dictator don term is going to be just as bad as you think it will be. (Well, I mean for those paying attention, for clearly, the hoards of morons that voted for him are clueless.) I promise the next four years will be a disaster! And no one in this sh*t-for-brains country f***ing cares! No one! Because everyone always thinks dictator don’s threats and hateful vision of America don’t apply to them. They’re in for a rude awakening. America f***ed around is about to find out. Oh, well. Americans get the government they deserve and desire! Welcome to stupid America, the dumbest place on the planet. Next stop: Civil War II. Mark my words! I guess I’ll be using this blog to chronicle the demise of American democracy and the rise of American fascism. And, finally, may you live in interesting times! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯