
Sadly, Harris Cannot Win!

Get ready, f***tards of America! The end is coming and coming sooner rather than later! I’ve been reticent these last few weeks as I’ve been carefully assessing the state of the presidential contest, and I am now ready to render my sad verdict: Harris cannot win. I had high hopes, and, to be sure, she came out of the corner swinging hard and landing punches, but, unfortunately, she is competing in the dumbest country on earth and to a sh*t-for-brains electorate that is saturated with racism and misogyny. I knew Biden could not win, and now Harris cannot win despite all of her efforts. I’ve always been a backer of Harris, even back in 2016, knowing the odds would always be against her. But I, too, can fall into a state of hopeium. I had hoped the surprise nomination of Harris and the ensuing enthusiasms would push the nation to elect her; however, the polls have stabilized, and while she is a couple of three points in the lead, it is not enough. She needs to be winning outside the margin of error. Allow me to make my case.

First and most importantly, Harris is not only underperforming in the polls in key, but she must have constituencies compared to Biden. She is also underperforming compared to Hillary Clinton at this same point in the race. She’s losing white men — no surprise there; she’s losing Black and Latino voters to traitor trump — again, not surprising given that constituency, which was to be expected. She is performing better among Gen Z, but as usual, a party that anticipates the youth vote to show up to cast a ballot is one that can expected to be sorely disappointed. She also overperforms with the female vote, which is the most reliable of voters. Nonetheless, considering everything, I don’t think it is enough to get her over the top. And that’s just the Harris side of the equation. The traitor trump side of the equation is even more depressing for Democrats because given everything that traitor trump has done since the time he came down that golden escalator — given everything we know and have witnessed of him — nothing f***ing matters. Nothing has fazed this sh*t-for-brains country. Nothing! It is more so this side of the Harris-trump calculus that persuades me that Harris cannot win. This race should not be close — ever! Yet, it is. And that is the sad truth. How can America survive if it is utterly incapable of discerning the dangers of traitor trump from the Harris, who wants to protect our democracy? It can’t. Welcome to stupid America!


Traitor [T]rump Disgraces Himself and Fallen Soldiers — and Americans Love It!

Look, f***tards. Nothing matters. He pulls this sh*t — grinning in a photo with thumbs up over a grave site because why not? — and people love him for it. They think Captain Bone Spurs is the champion of the military because I love in stupid f***ing hell! The military loves him or, at the very least, is reluctant to speak out against him. Whatever! America is sleepwalking right into a dictatorship, and no one f***ing cares. That is the most frustrating aspect about this sh*t-for-brains country: People are clueless. They’re just blithely letting everything traitor trump does or says wash right over them as if it’s just another day in Stupidville. And if I have to hear one more political pundit, journalist, or some other moron news commentator say that Americans have become enured to traitor trump over the last decade, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. It’s not that this idiocracy has simply become “used to” traitor trump; they welcome him! They love him. As I have said countless times before, Americans are a pathetic, bored bunch, and they need to be constantly entertained by the traitor trump reality T.V. show, just like Survivor or Big Brother. Whatever! Stupid is as stupid does. Welcome to stupid America; it can always get dumber, and Americans prove it daily.


Georgia School Shooting — This Is What People Want!

There is no need to quote a news source; here’s the cliff notes version of the story: A 14-year-old brings an AR-styled weapon to his high school and then proceeds to kill two students and two teachers. End of story. However, variations of this event can be refurbished and retold countless times every year because nothing ever changes! Ever! Always the same, every time! Kids, guns, schools, mass death. And no one cares! School shootings are a hot-button topic for me because I think nothing else in this sh*t-for-brains country evinces us more that America is a dying nation, figuratively and literally. This country is simply too stupid to want to do anything. America is literally a death-cult country because no one wants to do anything. The Democratic Party is the only political institution that wants to make America safer from gun violence. In contrast, RepubliKKKlans only want to perpetuate the death cult by making guns more accessible to anyone and everyone. Yet, this nation of f***tards keeps electing RepubliKKKlans into office to ensure America remains awash in guns and gun violence. And then they wonder why nothing ever changes. Welcome to stupid America!


Abortion Rights Are on the Ballot — to Help RepubliKKKlans

According to the Missouri Independent, “Missourians seem poised to legalize abortion and increase the minimum wage in November but are unlikely to embrace the Democratic statewide candidates who are among the ballot measures’ most ardent supporters, a new poll shows. The proposal to enshrine the right to abortion up until the point of fetal viability in the Missouri Constitution drew support from 52% of people surveyed between Aug. 8 and 16 for the St. Louis University/YouGov poll. The minimum wage increase, to $15 an hour by Jan. 1, 2026, had even stronger backing, with 57% of those surveyed saying they support it. The poll also found majorities supporting every Republican running statewide, who each held at least a 10-percentage point lead over Democratic opponents. Former President Donald Trump was selected by 54% of respondents, with 41% backing Vice President Kamala Harris. The poll gives Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe a 51% to 41% advantage over House Minority Leader Crystal Quade in the governor’s race.” Ha!

Look, f***tards! How many f***ing times must I say it? How many times?!?! Abortion rights are always someone else’s problem, and do not rely on the issue to save Democrats in the upcoming election. Yet this is exactly what dumbass Democrats expect will happen with all these abortion rights initiatives on state ballots. I never thought these referenda would help Democrats exactly for the reasons that the poll above evinces: People, on the one hand, will gladly support ballot measures to guarantee abortion rights and then, on the other hand, elect politicians who want to take those rights away. As usual, idiot Americans never make any f***ing sense because I live in stupid f***ing hell. I just knew this would be the case. I f***ing knew it! Granted, this is one poll in a red state, but I think it is more indicative of how people will vote elsewhere, splitting their votes like abject morons.

As usual, these f***tard voters of the highest moronic order aren’t thinking when they split (or consider splitting) their votes like this. These sh*t-for-brains voters believe that by voting to enshrine abortion protections into their state constitutions as a personal right, then they’re safe. Mission accomplished. Nothing more needs to be done. Now, they can continue voting for RepubliKKKlans. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Have these people forgotten recent history? (Of course, they have if they ever learned anything from history in the first place.) Have they forgotten the era of Roe? Allow me to remind the hoards of idiots out there.

Once upon a time, under Roe, women had a constitutional right to privacy, which guaranteed a right to an abortion until fetal viability. But what did RepubliKKKlans and red states do with this constitutional right? They spent 50 years attacking and weakening it, ever-increasing the restrictions on this federally recognized right. Despite Roe, Mississippi had only one abortion clinic to service the entire state. So, I guess these idiot voters who support abortion rights yet will elect RepubliKKKlans to state and federal offices are completely clueless. I fully expect Missouri will not hesitate to pass laws to make abortions just as difficult to obtain as it was in Mississippi before Dobbs. For all these red states that pass voter-approved abortion rights protections, the legislatures will make it impossible for a person to get one. Oh, sure, the state constitution may guarantee the right to an abortion, but good luck getting one when — you know — states only allow one clinic to service the entire population. Whatever! I so f***ing give up. Nothing matters anymore because people vote like the idiots that they are. Welcome to stupid America!


SCOTUS Will Steal the Election for Traitor [T]rump

America is in peril — grave peril — and no one cares. According to CNN, “The recent US Supreme Court decision changing voter registration rules in Arizona has voting rights advocates anxious about how the justices will approach emergency election appeals in the runup to the November election. Not only was the Arizona ruling a missed opportunity for the justices to explain when they will engage in election and voting cases, experts say it has also heightened concern that the court is unevenly applying a murky legal principle intended to reduce chaos rather than add to it. The ‘Purcell principle,’ rooted in a 2006 Supreme Court decision, warns federal courts to avoid making last minute changes to the status quo of voting rules before an election. But 18 years later, what counts as ‘status quo’ and ‘last-minute’ remains debatable. That lack of clarity – and what critics see as an inconsistent application of the doctrine – could be a critical factor in this year’s election. … The unusual vote split meant that either Chief Justice John Roberts or Justice Brett Kavanaugh – or both – allowed part of the Arizona law to go forward but not all of it. It’s not clear why at least one of them split the difference.

“In 2022, the court relied on Purcell in another redistricting suit – this time in Alabama. A 5-4 majority allowed a congressional map drawn by state Republicans to remain in place, even though a lower court said the map likely violated the Voting Rights Act by diluting the political power of Black voters. The court ruled in that matter in February 2022, about four months before that state’s primary (though early voting began in late March). ‘When an election is close at hand, the rules of the road must be clear and settled,’ Kavanaugh wrote at the time case. ‘Late judicial tinkering with election laws can lead to disruption and to unanticipated and unfair consequences for candidates, political parties, and voters, among others.’”

Make no mistake, f***tards! SCOTUS is determined to elect traitor trump. Mark my words! SCOTUS is all over the place in terms of abiding by its own legal precedent. Indeed, one justice (Kavanaugh) cannot follow his own advice, which was laid out in a legal opinion he authored a mere two years ago. The only consistency in their opinions is how to help RepubliKKKlans win and remain in power. I’ve been saying this for years — almost to the point I’m sick of warning others — SCOTUS is going to drive this country right into a theocracy, and no one f***ing cares. Welcome to stupid America. Too stupid to survive. I keep telling you, morons. But no one is listening. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Walz, Joy, and Other Thingys

Oh my! Has it been that long since I last posted? I guess so. When the state of the country appears somewhat less perilous, I sure do take long breaks. It is only now that I’m beginning to believe a Harris-Walz ticket has a slightly better than 50-50 chance of saving the country, but, as always, I have cynical thoughts. My first instinct when Harris announced Walz as her running mate was, “Oh, that guy! Why?” I had been hoping for a younger partner. Little did I know Harris and Walz are essentially the same age. But optics are everything. Then, I watched him at the rally, where he introduced himself to the nation, and I liked him. Moreover, I love that he appears to be the fearless attack dog dumbass Democrats have long needed!

On the other hand, I keep hearing this “joy” description everywhere in the media. I suppose this is where my “old man” inner self comes out, for in these dire times, it seems joy is the wrong approach, but it appears to be working, given the enthusiasm and Harris-Walz crowd sizes. Don’t get me wrong, do what works, and if a joyful message is the means, then so be it, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that America is heading toward an election whereby a mere 100,000 votes in three or four states will determine if America’s democracy lives or dies. In my mind, joy is not the motivating emotion; abject terror is. But that’s just me. I guess if the yutes are motivated to vote via joy, then more power to them.

Now, on to traitor trump. Once again, the MSM jumped. Traitor trump called a last-minute “press conference,” and the MSM reflexively asked, “How high (to jump), Sir?” Because traitor trump is an attention whore, the MSM has to oblige; they can’t not!


‘Weird’ — Really?

I think this headline and byline from a Politico article captures the shift in focus well: “How Trump and Vance went from a ‘threat to democracy’ to ‘weird’; With Harris at the top of the ticket, Democrats shift to a simpler characterization of Trump.” I have never in my life seen Democrats coalesce around a single message so quickly, uniformly, and consistently. From Harris campaign surrogates to liberal talk show hosts, ‘weird’ was the word of the day. I’m just not sure it’s the right course of action, or, perhaps more precisely, I can’t believe ‘weird’ is the messaging that has gained so much traction. How is it that we’ve dumbed down Americans so much by going from a message of this presidential election as being a moment for citizens to rise up and save America’s democracy to calling RepubliKKKlans weirdos? And it’s working. Ugh! Call me incredulous, but using the word ‘weird’ belies the true seriousness of this election. But whatever, I guess. Welcome to stupid, ‘weird’ America!


Kamala Is the Fire I’ve Been Waiting For!

Wow. Is this the Dark Brenda (no pejorative intended) for which we’ve been waiting? I listened to Harris speak at the Biden (now Harris) campaign headquarters in Delaware and her first speech at a campaign event in Wisconsin, and I was happy to hear her message. It was beyond refreshing and a relief to hear her make a case for candidacy more clearly, forcefully, and energetically than Biden could ever do consistently. Harris is the fighter that Biden refused to be, which is why I’ve been calling Biden weak for the last three years to my utter frustration. The nice guy, grandpa persona has grown very tiresome with me and, dare I say, with most of the Democratic base. I think this is why such a large segment of the electorate has been so down on Biden. It’s not so much his age or apparent lapses in mental acuity; it’s because, in the face of traitor trump, Biden was simply not a fighter. As I’ve repeatedly said, if we could see Dark Brandon on the campaign trail all the time, then the race might be different, but to see that forceful side of Biden only every now and then was just not going to cut it. I say: Let’s go, Dark Brenda!


Harris: A Fighter?

I will give Harris a short runway to prove she is a fighter against traitor trump that I think she should be. This will be my biggest test for her. Harris better be the f***ing G.D. street-brawling candidate that Biden never was. That has always been my greatest complaint about Biden: He’s weak! Not his age or his accomplishments, but his f***ing weakness. The few times I really respected Biden was when Dark Brandon came out, but those moments were few and far between. In the meantime, he was too congenial to his enemies. I mean, seriously! I think he has yet to label traitor trump a convicted felon; every time he (and now Harris) mentions traitor trump, it should be preceded by the moniker “convicted felon.” And that goes for all Democrats who call out the former occupant of the White House. Killing RepubliKKKlans with kindness is not the answer to combating fascists. The whole f***ing dumbass Democratic Party is weak. I swear to f***ing God, if Harris can’t summon her inner attack dog, then the party and the country are doomed.


Biden Drops Out! Now What?

I have to say that my first, immediate reaction to this news was slight anger and then sadness, which surprised me. But after a few minutes of absorbing the news, it was clearly the right, honorable (only) decision. And now all my prognostications of the upcoming presidential race are off — mostly. (This certainly shakes up the race, but does it shake it up in the right ways?) I have not thought much on a Harris-[TBD] ticket. (And there can be no other candidate, lest the Democratic Party will utterly implode. She is the natural successor to Biden. Full stop! End of story! For better or worse!) Nonetheless, I suspect she’ll face the same headwinds as Hillary Clinton because one thing remains constant about this country: It is misogynistic, homophobic, and racist in that order, more or less. Perhaps this new enthusiasm breathed into the Democratic Party can help spur turnout and counter these otherwise hateful forces. Indeed, the TBD candidate will make or break the ticket and the Democrats’ chances of winning. Once Democrats pick their Vice Presidential candidate, I’ll have a better sense of the doom that faces America! No matter who she selects, it has to be a straight white man. That’s just a fact of life, morons. Dumbass Democrats calling for two women on the ticket really are just asking to lose. These f***tards need to STFU!

To be sure, traitor trump is now the only dotard in the race. Of course, I expect the MSM to ignore this new realization and focus on how Harris may be too young and inexperienced for the top job. I have a feeling that the so-called double-haters, who constantly lamented the elder age of both Biden and traitor trump, will suddenly find traitor trump’s age acceptable compared to a woman running at the top of the Democratic ticket. I have no f***ing doubt. We shall see. Stand by, please.