Allow me to quote myself, “As for Biden’s agenda, it’s toast. … Back Better legislation is dead on arrival. There is no other way for Manchin to interrupt Democrats’ massive losses last night as anything other than a signal to put the breaks on everything. Don’t forget that Manchin is perfectly fine with not passing anything else related to Biden’s BBB agenda. So, dumbass Democrats will continue with their infighting and the legislation will collapse.” Manchin finally confirmed that which I have been saying for months now,” ‘And I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can’t. I’ve tried everything humanly possible. I can’t get there.’” Predicting Democrats’ political incompetence and failure is becoming too easy. I will admit that I was only half right because I had originally predicted the infrastructure bill would not pass as well, but it did. And Biden is reaping huge political benefits from its passage into law as his job approval numbers skyrocket! Oh, wait. I am reading those numbers backward. Nevermind. Silly me.

There is one thing Manchin has been correctly saying from the start: If Democrats want to pass Biden’s social agenda, then they need to elect more Democratic Senators. Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! How is it that DINO Manchin understands the political reality of the Democratic Party better than leadership and Biden? How is that possible? I should not be all that surprised. Dumbass Democrats constantly misjudge everything about the political environment. It is a wonder they actually win at all. For some reason, dumbass Democrats seem to think a 50-50 Senate and a much-reduced margin in the House equates to a mandate by the people for Biden’s agenda. It’s not, truly! (And as an aside, something that drives me completely bonkers is that Democrats can’t even recognize the fact that technically they only have 48 Democratic Senators — aka not a majority! This party acts like they’re playing while ahead when, in fact, they are always — and have always been — behind!) Biden’s win was more of an anti-traitor trump movement.

That is not to say I am or have been against the BBB legislation, but I understood the political reality from the start: There were simply not enough votes, no matter how the plan was crafted. Some components of the bill would piss off liberals, and other parts would piss off moderates. There was never going to be a way to square the circle. Biden should have spent his first year tackling the BIF bill and some smaller aspects of the BBB agenda (e.g., drug pricing or medicare hearing benefits). Biden should have been preaching — and must start now — that he needs more Democrats in the House and Senate. He may have won, but it is not enough. More needs to be done before he can begin to pass his agenda. He should have been saying this from day one. All of them should have been saying this. But, no! Dumbass Democrats believed — and wrongly misled their voting base to believe — that they won and “we got this.” And look what happened. Democrats come off as incompetent, feckless, and having wasted an entire year proving they can’t get much done. They set themselves up for failure, and they proved it! The only people who failed to understand where Machin stood on BBB over the last 5-6 months are Democrats! Honestly, he has been telegraphing his intentions from the beginning, and shame on Democrats for not seeing that, no matter what he said privately. Believe what people do, not what they say! This is reading people 101. Ugh! This is how Democrats usher in permanent RepubliKKKlan power. Welcome to stupid America!