The New BBF World Order

From the BBC: “Chinese President Xi Jinping has described Russia’s Vladimir Putin as his ‘best friend’ during a three-day visit to Moscow focusing on trade and relations between the two countries.” Great! So, traitor trump’s “negotiating” on trade has pushed China right into a partnership with Russia. I’m sure traitor trump could care less about this dangerous re-alignment of global powers. No! Instead, the only thing he’ll be upset about is not being called Xi’s best friend because, of course, it’s always only about traitor trump and no one else! Mark my words! This president is a f***ing G.D. joke. This Scheiße-for-brains president and Scheiße-for-brains block of MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan voters have created a power vacuum of American leadership in the world which China and Russia easily filled. This is what happens when traitor trump goes around trashing American allies and preaching protectionism and a withdrawal from the world order. If America is not leading then other countries will. I cannot possibly take the level of stupidity in this country that has precipitated and accelerated America’s decline in world leadership and respect. Welcome to stupid America where f***tards gave us the dumbest person in the world to “lead” the free world, and as of today, FiveThirtyEight reports traitor trump’s job approval holds steady at 41.5% — 41.5% too high! F*** me!