Because Democrats Are Weak and Stupid

Democrats are impossibly stupid, and America is f***ed as a consequence. F***! Just another day that I have to wake up hating Democrats even more than usual because every day there is yet another obvious example of a completely weak and feckless party that is still stuck on trying to govern like it’s the 1990s. F*** me! Wake the f*** up, morons!

What is the latest mortification? AlterNet says it well, “When Joe Biden ran for president, he touted his history in the Senate and as vice president of making deals across the aisle and working with Republicans. He said that he would be able to productively cooperate with the GOP if he were elected — and that the fierce partisan divisions would cool. … But about eight months into the Biden presidency, this strategy isn’t paying dividends. Arguably, it’s been dramatically weakening the Democrats’ strategic position and backfiring on them. … But this is the reward Democrats get for trying to reach a bipartisan deal on police reform. They got no deal, wasted months of effort, and they gave their opponents an opportunity to paint them with a label they’ve desperately been trying to avoid. … And this was all entirely predictable. Scott himself was never a genuine, good-faith negotiator on criminal justice.”

Of course. Of course. Of course. There was never going to be a deal on police reform, and, of course, this was all entirely predictable. This was all just a RepubliKKKlan ploy to waste more time and more energy. Of course, these “negotiations” were always intended to crash and burn at the hands of RepubliKKKlans so they could blame dumbass Democrats and re-litigate “defund the police.” Of course, dumbass Democrats fell for it lock, stock, and barrel. Worse still is that idiot Biden expected something different from RepubliKKKlans. God-f***ing-damm*t! I’m starting to get really, really disgusted with Biden and his complete obliviousness to the threat that is traitor trump and the RepubliKKKlan Party. I’m getting sick of him talking as if there is some “normal” to which we are all going to return eventually. At this point, I genuinely have no idea what is more dangerous? Traitor trump’s shadow presidency and his daily attack on America’s democracy or Biden and his inability to understand the threat that traitor trump is inflicting by remaining out of prison. Whatever! I give up. Welcome to stupid America. Why bother anymore? It’s all stupid all the m*****f***ing time.