Because Stupid America Loves It

From Axios, “Donald Trump changed how to run for president. Next, he changed the Republican Party. Now, he’s changing the presidency and the boundaries of executive power. In the past week, Trump has purged internal dissenters, imported loyalists, pardoned political and financial criminals and continued a running commentary on live Justice Department criminal cases — despite an unprecedented public brushback from his attorney general.” And what is America’s reaction to all this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. That’s right. It is the big ole, “I don’t care!” How do I know this? Witness any recent traitor trump job approval rating — it is at record highs. The more dictatorial he gets the more people like what he’s doing because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: Americans are too stupid for democracy. The country really is! Democracy takes work to maintain and Americans are simply too stupid and too lazy to protect it. Americans vote in an appallingly low percentage compared to every other democratic country in the world. Americans just give up — yet they still bitch enough about the government in which they refuse to participate. They wanted a “non-politician” to come in and disrupt (destroy) the government, and now they have it. What the f*** did they think would be formed in democracy’s place? A better democracy? I guess the majority of f***tards out there did, but in reality, we have a dictatorship, which the other half of American f***tards are completely happy living under. So, congratu-f***ing-lations to all the morons out there for swapping out our Democracy with a king. Welcome to stupid America. All stupid all the time.