Bernie Sanders — Ugh? Oh? Umm?

Depending on the day, I don’t know what to make of the Sanders campaign. On the one hand, he is precisely the anti-traitor trump candidate in all the right ways — the policies, the enthusiasm, the masses (most important the masses and because this is stupid America even the masses are important on the progressive side), the ability to attack traitor trump (which Bloomberg seems to be the only other candidate capable of doing at this point in the game), the ability to be ruthless in politics. All of it! But! But! But! Traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans will hang the word “socialism” around his neck and kill his chances because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid, stupid America where the majority of idiots have no f***ing clue that the economy as it exists right now is a mix of capitalism and socialism. Most notably are programs like social security and medicare and other services like the military, police, and fire. (Don’t get me started on corporate welfare which is a whole separate conversation.) MAGA morons never seem to have a problem paying taxes to the government to manage 24/7 police and fire services for which they may never use or use only very rarely. In fact, it is more likely that these same “anti-socialist” morons who never seem to complain about the police and fire departments are doing exactly what they hate the most — paying for services someone else is likely going to use. If these f***tards were actually willing to live in a purely capitalist society then they should contract with local (private) police and fire departments for which they would be charged for as-used services. I mean this is the kind of world they want to live in, right? Welcome to stupid America. We’re f***ed because it’s all stupid all the time here!