Between Biden and a Hard Place

From the headline of a recent article by CNN’s Chris Cillizza, “Joe Biden said something nice about Mike Pence. Big mistake.” I like what he has to say; it’s usually spot on, and in this case, his analysis does not fail. It was a big mistake and just underscores how out of step these old Democrats are with the times. Yet, I cannot decide if Biden is the savior of the party or yesterday’s news. On the one hand, my gut feeling is the last thing this country needs is another old white guy as president. Moreover, the last thing the Democratic Party needs is another frontrunner that wants to play nice with RepubliKKKlans. I seriously don’t think I can handle another Democrat that will let RepubliKKKlans walk all over him (or her–though I’m far less inclined to believe a woman would put up with such Scheiße from RepubliKKKlans). On the other hand, I think Biden has the best chance of defeating traitor trump, especially with a female (e.g., Kamala Harris) as a running mate. It’s vote blue no matter who, but there are those dumbass Democrats that just can’t fall in line, and apparently living under a RepubliKKKlan regime is more preferable than not getting what they want–Bernie!