Biden Falls — Ugh!

What the m*****f***ing G.D. hell! Ugh! I’m just going to say it outright. This is a f***ing disaster. Yes, yes, yes. I can already hear Democrats crying fowl for my criticizing Biden’s trip and fall, but I’m sorry; this is a pure optics moment, and the visual is a disaster, especially since this is not the first time for Biden. Americans — rightly or wrongly — are already questioning his age. This just adds fuel to the fire, and RepubliKKKlans will be all over this event like flies on sh*t! And I get it. Other (younger) presidents have tripped and fallen. We all have tripped and fallen. The incident in and of itself is utterly banal in most circumstances, but President Biden is not most circumstances. Even though he recovered quickly and made light of it, these images start to pile up. Of course, a fall has nothing to do with his mental faculties, which are rock-solid, but for many Americans, they cannot unlink the two. What a mess!