
Biden Gets Ayman al-Zawahiri

Breaking news! Biden kills Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of Al-Qaeda. Of course, America is too stupid to care or understand this unqualified and momentous win for Biden. How can I be so certain that Americans won’t care? I look to the past. What other Democratic president had such an achievement? Anyone? Anyone at all like to make a guess or recollect history? Who else? Who indeed? Well, for the idiots out there, it was President Obama. He killed the last al-Qaeda leader — Osama bin Laden. You know! America’s number one wanted terrorist. Obama got him while Bush II let him get away. People may be hard-pressed to remember such a victory because Americans basically ignored it. America had been hunting for bin Laden for a decade. He eluded the RepubliKKKlan president, but not Obama! Of course, when Obama told the world, RepubliKKKlans gave him zero credit, and the rest of America did a collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

I have no doubt Americans will do the same for Biden, the other Democratic president who actually fights terrorism — the Afghanistan disaster aside. In fact, America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan may have led al-Zawahiri into the country and allowed him to get too comfortable and complacent about his security. One could make the argument that exiting Afghanistan resulted in the al-Qaeda leader’s ultimate termination. Moreover, this does prove that Biden was correct about leaving: America did not need to occupy the country to fight terrorism; it could be done with over-the-horizon capabilities. Indeed!

I am sure traitor trump is going crazy because he failed to get al-Zawahiri — that is if he even tried. I doubt it. If anything, the orange traitor aided and abetted terrorists worldwide because he was more in bed with them and their authoritarian protectors than against them. To be fair, I guess traitor trump took out some terrorist general or something like that at one point during his treasonous term, so he did lift a pinkie for a second. This is a great victory for Biden, and I have no doubt stupid America will find a way to ignore or punish him for it because I live in stupid hell where people want the traitor back in office. Welcome to stupid America. No one cares because gas prices!