Biden Is Looking to Be the Real Stable Genius

Source: NBC Newsi

I will readily admit that I did not care for Biden’s “basement” campaign approach, nor am I all that excited about those “drive-in” style “rallies” or those anemically populated press conferences and policy speeches. I thought the basement approach weak and too cautious, and the drive-in rallies fell well short — for obvious reasons — of the excitement and motivation objectives when holding a rally, although logically I understood it to be the exceedingly prudent course of action compared to the traitor trump super spreader events. In short, I feared Biden’s half-measures could not compete with the irrational, guttural emotive aims of a true rally. I was clearly wrong. Biden looks like a downright Einstien-level genius for pursuing an unwavering course of cautious determination, and it seems the voters have not penalized him, at the very least, for erring on the side of caution, albeit seeming to be extremely excessive. No doubt, Biden is the measure of thoughtfulness, preparedness, and taking a long-term perspective in decision-making required to return America to its greatness again; in this instance, the term “again” is actually true and properly warranted, unlike the oxymoron campaign cry for “make America great again” after four years of traitor trump’s “leadership.” I rarely express this sentiment because the emotion is the refuge of the impractical and illogical: I have hope — just a bit. Maybe half a bit. Never underestimate the power of stupid America to f*** it up on election day!

As a minor point, the graph above is a poll of registered voters which is a larger, less reliable subset of voters compared to a subset of likely voters. Why pollsters are still putting out polls of registered voters is f***ing beyond me at this point. Casual consumers of information may not understand the subtle differences between registered voters and likely voters. At this point in the election cycle, polling likely voters is far more indicative of how the actual electorate may vote. The cohort of registered voters often includes opinions of people who rarely vote, if they have ever voted! In other words, it’s a garbage subset of people to question because they may express a dislike for traitor trump but may not be willing to vote him out of office (or vote Biden in), which really makes their opinions completely f***ing worthless. Why even bother asking the question or wanting to hear an answer from these morons? Beware!