‘Biden on Afghanistan: Not My Problem’

According to Politico: “As the Taliban blitz across Afghanistan and U.S. officials scramble to assess just how quickly the government in Kabul could fall, President Joe Biden is recalibrating his message to Americans. Where he once insisted that two decades of U.S. backing had left Afghan forces capable of defending themselves, Biden and his aides have shifted to a more cold-blooded mantra: If they can’t, that’s not our problem.” What a m*****f***ing G.D. mess of the highest f***ing order! And our f***ing weak, moronic President Biden gladly owns it, along with dumbass Democrats. Moreover, it will be yet another weapon RepubliKKKlans use to accuse Biden of incompetent leadership. On this matter, I can’t say they are wrong. Of course, Biden f***ed this up from the start because he did not insolate himself by blaming traitor trump for the inevitable disaster to come after U.S. troops start to withdraw. If Biden were a sufficiently ruthless (savvy) politician, then he would have qualified his decision by saying that his hands were tied because traitor trump had already made a commitment for U.S. troops to exit the country. It is the same “gift” Bush II left Obama in Iraq. RepubliKKKlans create U.S. commitments that Democrats must honor, and it leads to disaster. What Biden should have done is commence troop withdrawal, but once the Taliban started their offensive to retake provinces and their capitals he should have used that change in circumstances to stop, regroup, and go right back into Afghanistan while blaming traitor trump for committing America to a disastrous “negotiated” arrangement. But no! Biden doubled down from the beginning because we wanted out, which is a huge m*****f***ing mistake. It is likely to be his worst decision as president and of any modern president. I can see the history books now: After trillions of dollars and thousands of dead American troops, Biden pulls out of Afghanistan, wiping out 20 years of gains and leading to the restoration of the Islamic caliphate that harbored the 9/11 terrorists. In short, wasted treasure and blood only to return to a state of existence worse than 20 years ago. Fan-f***ing-tastic! What a f***ing joke!

Yeah, I get it. It’s been 20 years. It’s a “forever” war. Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. Blah, blah, blah. Honestly, it is more like a forgotten war that has successfully kept a lid on the tinderbox that is Afghanistan, which is why it has been forgotten — because America’s presence had been successful by not allowing the country to harbor terrorist organizations who want to attack the homeland. At this point, what is the relatively minor cost to America for maintaining the status quo to help Afghanistan maintain its democracy and prosperity? A few thousand troops? Certainly far, far less than we’ve kept in Europe and Asia since WW II and the Korean War — about 150 thousand. I’m not a liberal hawk, but I am a liberal realist, and the reality is a small commitment of U.S. troops (with or without NATO) in Afghanistan to prevent it from degrading into exactly what we are seeing now would be worth it — for 20 years or 200 years. I promise you what we leave behind will be much worse for us, even from a distance. Happy 20th 9/11 anniversary, Taliban! You get your country back plus all of our military equipment as a special gift. Of course, the overall issue that all administrations failed to do is beat the medieval mindset out of the Afghanistan citizenry. Look, f***tards. The global civilization cannot exist with hostile nations refusing to acknowledge the 21st century.

I hope Biden is prepared for the consequences of his insouciance, for he is about to get his Saigon moment as the Taliban advances on and overtakes the capital Kabul. And as Afghanistan reverts to a pre-9/11 existence, I hope Biden is prepared to live with having made every American death a sacrifice given in vain because, in the end, we achieved nothing. Indeed, our investment in Afghanistan has been expensive in blood and treasure, and now we are about to throw it all away. You know RepubliKKKlans will make that argument all the way to mid-term election victories. Trust me when I say RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons had no use for the political football of Afghanistan, but now that it is a f***ing disaster they will suddenly be all for doing exactly what Biden is failing to do. When traitor trump was for pulling out the MAGA morons wanted out too, but now that Biden is showing weakness by doing what traitor trump wanted, MAGA morons will be screaming at Biden for not protecting America. Another trap that dumbass Democrats walked right into, exactly on cue. We’re f***ed because RepubliKKKlans will crucify Democrats over this while the once ambivalent and ignorant American voter will all of a sudden be very interested and very angry over something they barely comprehend and stopped caring about 19 years ago! Thanks, Biden, for being exactly as politically feckless and ignorant — if not more — than I expected you to be. Welcome to stupid America where we destroy a country and then leave with our tail between our legs because we’re bored. Just another example of America telling the world: You can’t count on us because eventually we will abandon you, or we elect morons like traitor trump. It is a wonder we have any allies at all. What a f***ing disgrace! Welcome to stupid America, again.