Biden to America: Brace Yourselves

According to NBC News, “President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he has hope, both of a diplomatic solution to ease tensions over Ukraine and in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s willingness to continue those talks. Should diplomacy not prevail, Biden warned in remarks at the White House, the consequences could be painful not just for Putin, but for Americans. … ‘I will not pretend this will be painless. There could be impact on our energy prices,’ Biden said. ‘So we are taking active steps to alleviate the pressure on our own energy markets and offset raising prices.’” And from The Guardian, “‘If we do not stand for freedom where it is at risk today, we’ll surely pay a steeper price tomorrow.’” I am glad Biden is bracing Americans for what is about to come. I was worried that he’d expect Americans to inform themselves about the significance of the moment, which, of course, is like asking a toddler to self-study calculus.

The question remains: Are people listening? Doubtful. It is difficult to see Americans finding the intellectual fortitude to tear themselves away from social media to understand the importance of America standing up to dictators like Putin in the name of defending democracy when so few Americans care about democracy at home. Thank Jesus traitor trump is not president because he’d be the first head of state to sell out Ukraine! Oh, and let me end by saying this: Anyone who is against Biden and America standing up to Russia over the sovereignty of Ukraine is a traitor to America! Full! F***ing! Stop! So, that means everyone on Faux News, especially Tucker “Bow Tie Bimbo” Carlson, MAGA morons, QAnon kooks, who seem to have a special predilection for Russia, and evil evangelicals, who also have a peculiar affinity for the authoritarian rule by white supremacists of Russia. By default, Biden is sailing against significant headwinds because this is f***ing 80 proof traitor-filled America! Welcome to stupid America!