Biden Is F***ed Because of ‘Florida Man’

I watched a “Florida Man” interview on MSNBC yesterday, and it reinforced an inescapable truth: Biden is f***ed because Americans are f***ig G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. Allow me to recall and paraphrase the particulars of an MSNBC man-on-the-street interview. Picture it: A warm, partly cloudy day in the early afternoon at a Flordia gas station. Of course, the backdrop is a gas station because, according to the MSM, the price of gas is the one and only metric of Biden’s “failing” economy. The correspondent approaches the waiting man pumping gas with his daughter in arm — that natural and much-needed extra touch of humanity for the viewers. The correspondent discusses the state of the economy and inflation accompanied by more blah, blah, blah stupid speak. I’ll cut to the chase, paraphrasing in the recounting, but the gist is accurate enough to make my point. The reporter asks Florida Man who is to blame for the high gas prices (because someone always has to be blamed) and if it would impact his midterm vote. Florida Man says the blame comes from “the top.” And, yes, gas prices will change who he votes for because Florida Man noted that gas prices are high “now” but weren’t under the “last administration.” Ugh! Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore. It f***ing hurts. I hate the stupid, and I hate stupid people. This Florida Man is precisely the example of “analysis” I predicted in previous posts (e.g., Idiocracy and Inflation). Yes, yes! I know that one Florida Man is not statistically meaningful, and one cannot extrapolate what a single person believes to the whole. Yet, it sure is curious that a news reporter who — I assume — approached someone at random to reflect on his views about inflation picks a person that basically epitomizes what I foresaw months ago about how people “think” about inflation and the economy.

Again, what have I been saying forever? Americans don’t know jack-sh*t about the economy. Morons of America look at gas prices and think they understand how the economy works. They look at their credit card and bank statements and think they apprehend national fiscal policy. They see the car cup holder filled with loose change that they can’t get rid of and think they have a deep understanding of U.S. monetary policy. They happen to notice the “Made in China” sticker on the back of any given tchotchke they buy at Walmart and think they fathom U.S. trade policy and the trade deficit. They comprehend nothing, yet their bedrock “analysis” of the economy and who is to blame is kindergarten-like word association. High gas prices — Biden bad! Low gas prices — traitor trump good! F*** me! I can’t with the m*****f***ing stupid anymore. This is why Biden is f***ed in the midterms and the next presidential election because America — stupid.

Moreover, America is unlearnable. There is no way Biden or any other army of T.V. economists can educate the illiterate masses. How can you enlighten a citizenry that thinks Biden sits in the White House pushing a button that says “increase gas prices”? People think there is a straight line between inflation and the administration in power. Never mind Russia’s illegal war. Never mind COVID. Never mind supply chain interruptions. Never mind low unemployment. Never mind dozens of other factors directly impacting economic vicissitudes that people don’t readily understand. Never mind that people still live as if inflation is not happening. Never mind any of it, for the one person who is impacting inflation the most is the person in the m*****f***ing mirror — not Joseph R. Biden! People b*tch and blame Biden for inflation but refuse to adjust their behavior. Whatever! None of it matters because Florida Man! I can’t! Welcome to stupid America! Too stupid to survive.