Biden’s January 6 Anniversary Speech

Sure, it was fine for what it was. Sure, Biden was more fiery and showed more fight than usual, but he still needed to evoke fire and brimstone in his content. All in all, though, I think it is too little, too late. Forty percent of the population are going to ignore him willfully and will never be convinced by anything he says. These people, of course, are RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and other assorted traitors to America. As for the remaining 60 percent of the citizenry to which the speech was chiefly aimed, I would say most of those people were listening half-heartedly. Where I think Biden soared with rhetoric and idealism, he failed to stir up the fear factor specifically for those who were tuned in. Once again, Biden and dumbass Democrats keep believing the average voter is smart. The average voter is a moron! Thus, voters are too stupid to react to intellectual arguments; they respond to emotional arguments that require the use of the amygdala part of the brain — aka the lizard brain. So, when Biden talks about saving American democracy and America’s founding principles and preserving America’s legacy and the soul of the nation and the will of the people and so forth, these ideas are still too abstract to concern the average voter, which is why you will never hear RepubliKKKlans try to make such arguments. Indeed, when RepubliKKKlans avoid talking about America’s democracy in general, it is a win/win, for they know their voters don’t care about democracy, and their voters don’t comprehend such abstractions, yet their voters love the conservative moment more because leadership does not tax their lizard brains with such perceived nonsensical notions like democracy. F***! In fact, every time I do hear RepubliKKKlans talking about anything to stir up fear in their base, it’s usually them railing against socialism taking over the country. That abstraction, for some reason, they do seem to misunderstand, naturally.

Dare I say, most Independent and Democratic voters understand just as little. This is why Biden should have spoken in more doomsayer tones and with concrete examples of fear pointed directly at the listener. Fear works, f***tards. I don’t know how many times I have to say it. Clearly, it is advice dumbass Democrats routinely ignore — at their own peril. Biden needs to layout the image of America when RepubliKKKlans regain the House or the Senate and when traitor trump returns to office. He should speak in declarative terms, not with a subjective mood. Your healthcare will be gone! Denying healthcare for pre-existing conditions will return. There will be lifetime caps on healthcare again. You can be denied healthcare for any reason once again. You and your children will be more likely to die from a lack of access to healthcare. There will never be an effort to combat climate change, so your insurance will be out of control expensive, and your beachfront property will be underwater. That is, of course, if your house is not consumed by fire or a tornado. There will be water wars as the West dries up, and states are left to fend for themselves because the federal government has abandoned all accountability. Your marriage will become illegal — gay, inter-racial, inter-faith, unproductive. You will get poorer as the rich get richer. Open carry will be legal in every state, everywhere, and for everyone without training or a license. Open gun battles will be the new norm to settle minor confrontations everywhere, and you’ll be caught in the crossfire. Your children will die in school at the hands of daily school shootings in a nation where guns are more valuable than lives because gun manufacturers will be writing all the gun laws. COVID will never be under control as anti-vaxxers become the lawmakers. SCOTUS will ensure any right to privacy is wiped away, so your actions in the bedroom will be illegal and subject to prosecution. Christian theocracy will be the law of the land; freedoms you enjoy today will be illegal and a sin tomorrow. (But you’ll still have your Facebook and Twitter! God! Kill me now!) Biden should have painted a real dystopian landscape of what awaits America if democracy fails. He should lie if need be because lying works in America; most people are not smart enough to discern truth from lies (or “alternative facts”). Idealism in a speech is admirable but not nearly enough to excite the Democratic base that is sleeping in the face of the RepubliKKKlan base, which is woke and raping the country.

Let me end by saying one more thing. Biden still refuses to say traitor trump’s name, which I think is a grave mistake. I don’t know why he refuses to do so. He need not call him “President [traitor] trump,” but instead by the more prosaic title of Mr. [traitor] trump. In fact, I don’t think Biden should ever refer to traitor trump as the “former president” or “my predecessor.” It should be Mr. [traitor] trump all the time, every time, as if he were never president. That would irritate the former traitor-in-chief more than anything. When Biden refuses to say his name, to some degree, he fails to recognize and clearly define the threat. Lord knows, this is par for the course for dumbass Democrats; they only see the disaster after it’s too late. Oh, well. You’ve been warned, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America.