Biden’s Presidency and America’s Democracy Ended Last Night!

Biden’s presidency and America’s Democracy ended on Tuesday 2 November 2021 — only 9 months into office. Election results from last night were catastrophic — no, cataclysmic — for dumbass Democrats, even worse than I imagined — and I usually imagine the worst. So, just about everywhere the country has swung back hard conservative, and what will follow is a rollback of civil rights for minorities and the permanent entrenchment of RepubliKKKlans. Mark my words, morons. Swing voters may have elected Youngkin on matters of the economy, but what they’ll get are racist, anti-gay, and misogynistic policies because welcome to stupid America! Youngkin does not believe in marriage equality and he’s anti-choice, so he’ll manage the executive branch that way, not to mention Democrats are about to lose control of the Virginia House of Delegates. Given that the Virginia Senate is tied and the newly elected lieutenant governor will be casting tie-breaking votes in favor of RepubliKKKlams, they’ll start legislating their hate immediately and undo everything Democrats accomplished. Make no mistake, morons. These RepubliKKKlan wins are all about the culture wars. And don’t be confused by Black people voting RepubliKKKlan. They hate the gays. While White RepubliKKKlan voters hate the Blacks. Latino RepuibliKKKlans hate both. In 2020, it was “defund the police” and BLM. Those terms were turned into racist ideas by RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who said “all lives matter” and “blue lives matter.” This year it is critical race theory, which is not even coded, but plainly means that White snowflakes hate minorities and don’t want schools to enlighten their children that America is still very racist (and all the other -ists.) Full stop! End of story! One can tell we hit a nerve with America’s racist by the voter turnout and the election results.

But don’t worry. RepubliKKKlans in Virginia won’t stop there. Get ready for “voter integrity” legislation in Virginia that will enshrine the RepubliKKKlan majority ala Georgia, Texas, and Arizona. This is what people wanted by their vote, unwittingly or not. And this is what dumbass Democrats allowed to happen because they are the feckless party of morons, only slightly less benighted than their RepubliKKKlan counterparts at this point. Those 13 electoral college votes from Virginia in the next presidential election? Democrats can kiss them goodbye. As usual, dumbass Democrats just don’t f***ing get it! They just don’t. Democratic voters and politicians, alike, just never seem to grasp the danger of crazy RepubliKKKlans winning elections. How many times do I have to say it? How many f***ing times? Democrats need to be running on fear all the f***ing time because that’s what we need to counter RepubliKKKlans. F*** the hope-y, change-y sh*t! Democrats should fear the end of democracy! It seems every major win Democrats manage to achieve is by default — voters elect the lesser of two evils when put to the task. Otherwise, people simply default to RepubliKKKlans, and dumbass Democrats verily accept it with little to no resistance. They capitulate all too easily. And if I have to hear one more moron Democratic pundit talk about how Tuesday’s election results are a wake-up call, then I’m going to blow a m*****f***ing gasket. They always say that. Every f***ing time. After every shellacking, they call for the party to reflect, and then they turn around and learn nothing, do nothing, expect to lose more. Whatever! I give up! We deserve the government we get, and we’re on our way to authoritarianism because America is stupid and dumbass Democrats are worthless.

As for Biden’s agenda, it’s toast. The bipartisan infrastructure plan will pass, but the Build Back Better legislation is dead on arrival. There is no other way for Manchin to interrupt Democrats’ massive losses last night as anything other than a signal to put the breaks on everything. Don’t forget that Manchin is perfectly fine with not passing anything else related to Biden’s BBB agenda. So, dumbass Democrats will continue with their infighting and the legislation will collapse. Unfortunately, Biden is not strong enough nor does he have the political capital to force his party to enact his priorities. He should have done that months ago, but didn’t. And at this point, even if Democrats managed to pass his BBB agenda, I don’t think it will make any difference to the voters. Again, idiot Democratic pundits and politicians seem to think that all they have to do is pass legislation to regain voter confidence, but it’s too late. I fear the damage has already been done. It would have been effective if Democrats had pushed through Biden’s legislation out of the gate, but they didn’t. Clearly, Democratic control of the federal government helped the nation weather COVID — compared to the disastrous handling by traitor trump — but how did voters reward Biden’s success? Look to Virginia. But this is par for the course. Voters always punish Democrats for their successes. Witness the Affordable Care Act. This is no different. Democrat’s policies and COVID leadership got shots in arms, but what RepubliKKKlan message won out? Vaccines are a personal choice and masks are overkill. Never mind that these two things helped us survive the pandemic.

Moreover, the inflation issue is, in part, because of the economy’s success. It was easy for the world to turn off economic levers in an instant, but turning them back on is far more difficult. And when a society (America) comes roaring back from COVID to spend hoards of money they’ve been stockpiling for the last two years in an economy that has not fully reopened (think supply chain issues) then what happens? INFLATION! Too much money chasing too few products! That’s what happens! Has anyone noticed that the stock market is near all-time highs? These inflation pressures are a sign of a strong economy, ironically. No one was complaining about failing gas prices when people stopped driving during lockdowns. No one complained about how there was no inflation and some deflation (e.g., airfare and gas) during the worst of the pandemic, but now that things are improving quickly and resulting in higher prices as a reflection of shocks in the re-opening of global markets, everyone is in an uproar and b*tching! But whatever! I live in stupid hell! Stupid, stupid people everywhere who know knowing about economics or how the world works. It’s all Biden’s fault, naturally. There is a lot that Biden has f***ed up, but the economy is not one of them. Nonetheless, he just gets the blame, rightly or wrongly. About the only thing he could do is suggest to the Fed to stop quantitative easing, although Biden has no direct control — none — over the Fed. The problem is Democrats allow such perceptions to persist unchallenged and unabated. But I guess you can’t undo stupid and you can’t teach stupid, so Democrats are stuck because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America!

Don’t get me started on what last night portends for the 2022 and 2024 elections, but I will finish on this thought. Many like to analyze election vicissitudes as a pendulum that swings back and forth between left and right, Democrats and RepubliKKKlans. I agree with that metaphor, but the real question is where the needle lands more often than not. Is it far-left or far-right? Center-left or center-right? What I can say is that the needle never occupies the blue space as long and as deep as it does the red space. While Democrats can wrangle the point of the pendulum to their side for a short time, it always swings back toward RepubliKKKlans sooner rather than later, and the needle always lands in deeper red territory each time. That, my friends, is the true nature of America. And that is why our democracy is dying. RepubliKKKlans — and the voters who give them power — really don’t believe in democracy anymore. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America! The end is near. One lost state at a time.