Biden’s Slide in the Polls Worsens — Predictably

According to Quinnipiac polling, “Americans’ views have dimmed on the way President Joe Biden is handling his job as president, with 42 percent approving and 50 percent disapproving, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of adults released today. This is the first time Biden’s job approval has dropped into negative territory since taking office. In early August, 46 percent of Americans approved and 43 percent disapproved of the way Biden was handling his job. … More than half of Americans, 54 – 41 percent, say they approve of President Biden’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Nearly 7 in 10 Americans, 69 – 24 percent, say it was the right thing to do to end the war in Afghanistan. However, Americans give Biden a negative 31 – 65 percent score for the way he handled withdrawing all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. More than 6 in 10 Americans, 62 – 28 percent, say they think American troops will have to return to Afghanistan to fight terrorism.” Of course, he was going to take a hit with the Afghanistan debacle despite American’s schizophrenia on the issue as the all-over-the-board polling numbers above evince. As the results indicate: Yes, we should have gotten out of Afghanistan; no, we don’t like the way Biden ended the war; yes, it was time to end the war; no, leaving was wrong because we’ll just have to go back to fight terrorism. Ugh! Unbelievable. If you ever want to understand the stupidity and confusion of Americans, then just ask them related questions and watch them give contradictory answers. Just as an FYI, one cannot advocate ending a war in Afghanistan that will, at the same time, mean having to go back. The logical conclusion would be not to end the war in the first place and answer questions consistent with that belief. As I unreservedly stated before, leaving Afghanistan was clearly the wrong decision. It was wrong for traitor trump to “negotiate” the withdrawal and wrong for Biden not to reverse traitor trump’s decision. But I digress.

My greater point is that the results of this survey show Biden polling poorly on almost all other aspects of his governing — COVID, the economy, foreign policy, climate change, etc. It is not for a lack of his trying. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: Biden is weak. Weak! Weak! Weak! F***ing weak! And after eight months in office people are starting to see that more acutely. His ideals and motivations are not the problems; rather, his problem is his failure to use the necessary and required force to get sh*t done. He is relying upon traditional channels, customs, and the good nature of people — especially the “loyal” opposition party — to help him govern. OMG! F***ing kill me now with this batsh*t craziness. We are so beyond that. Because of his timidity, nothing is getting done, and people are frustrated by it. Nothing is getting done in Congress. Nothing is getting done with holding politicians, traitor trump, and the insurrectionists accountable under the law. Nothing is getting done with protecting voting rights. Nothing is getting done with the unvaccinated, except incremental demands. All because he keeps expecting people to do — want to do — the right thing on their own. Wrong! He needs to start knocking heads and laying down the law instead of giving motivating speeches asking people to be responsible citizens or hoping politicians to work together or expecting the law to work its insufferably lengthy course — the perfect tactic for criminals to run out the clock! We’re starting to see Biden as more “oh, grandpa” and less warrior for democracy. I knew he would be weak when I voted for him, but he was the only viable candidate to counter traitor trump in the 2020 election. Unfortunately, now we are stuck with him and he is performing as expected: An institutionalist at a time when our democracy is in perpetual peril and the remedy must be a ruthless iconoclast, not the same ole, same ole. The anti-traitor trump is not a return to “normal.” No! it must be an overcorrection, particularly in the realm of the law. And trust me when I say dumbass Democrats seem to have no problem with hastening the demise of Biden’s agenda while Biden appears feckless and unconcerned by it all. He needs to get his f***ing party in order instead of letting them undermine his priorities as leadership claims it will all get done — somehow — after months and months of going round and round. Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we deserve, which is about to be an autocracy.