
Biden’s Speech: A Wartime Address

I actually listened this time, although I was at the gym, so I probably missed some bits. But I got the gist. It was a good speech for the moment. It hit all the proper messaging, and he called out “MAGA RepubliKKKlans,” specifically this time with more force, further doubling down on the battle for the soul of America. The content was similar to what he’s been preaching since he entered the 2020 presidential election. Now, I just hope he sticks with it, and I hope he takes every opportunity to re-enforce and hammer home the message with the same passion as his delivery last night, for we’ve seen him talk about the battle between democracy and autocracy before, only to have him drop the subject matter for long periods. And I’m not sure about him overusing the term “extreme.” While apt, in today’s vernacular it usually connotes something “awesome” as used in advertising. He should just stick with fascism exclusively. Although, it aggravates me to no end when MSM idiots give him gruff for calling MAGA morons “semi-fascists” as though he’s gone too far and become too “partisan.” They compare it to Hillary’s “basket of deplorable” comment that “offended” conservatives. Awe, how sad. Un-f***ing-believable. Of course, the MSM always fails to mention that Hillary was right — about everything. And Biden is right calling out fascists in America.

And I will also say this: Speeches alone will not save America’s democracy from the RepubliKKKlan Party and MAGA morons, nor will just voting. So, this is where I disagree with part of Biden’s messaging, namely the call for non-violent action. I think we are too far down the path not to expect and indeed avoid the idea of ending violence without violence. If RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons start the violence first, then you better believe the true majority (>50 percent) will end it — with violence. One cannot expect the battle for the soul of America not to actually involve kinetic action. As I have said countless times before, the only way is through! There is no turning back, no compromising, no negotiating with the terrorist faction of America. And there is no hoping that the other side finally gets “it” and retreats. That is never going to happen. When there is a cancer in the body of the nation, then the only way to cure or treat the disease is to destroy it — utterly and completely! That will not happen at the ballot box or with marching in the streets. Get ready, people. Be prepared, for when the RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons start their domestic terrorist killing, we must be able to stop them with finality. War is coming. America cannot survive when 40 percent of the population no longer accepts the outcomes of elections! America cannot prosper unless and until we purge it of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. There is no in-between or half-measures or relying on hope. No! There is only one way. Mark my words, f***tards! Welcome to stupid America!