Bill Maher Nails It!

I typically don’t reference Rawstory but it had the most succinct excerpt of “Real Time” on the topic. This is why I agree with 99% of what Maher usually has to say because he absolutely nailed the level of frustration I have with Mueller and why I consider him just as much of a traitor RepubliKKKlan as every other RepubliKKKlan. Maher is the only commentator I’ve heard criticize (at length) Mueller for what he should have clearly done as a prosecutor: break the f***ing rules for the greater good. But no! Hearing everybody else keep praising Mueller after his report is like nails on a chalkboard. It’s beyond frustrating; it’s infuriating that anybody still holds Mueller in high esteem. One other point Maher made not told in the Rawstory piece is that he blames Mueller for Giuliani’s assertion that it is okay to share information with the Russians, and this is where our country is at now — conspire with the enemy because no one cares, and as long as the person wins it’s not illegal. Seriously! It’s not illegal! I’m sorry, morons but Mueller failed. He failed to simply do the right thing, not just do things right! Welcome to stupid America.